Chapter 15

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Hi loves! 

I want to let you all know that this chapter may be triggering and heavy for some people to read. Louis is talking about his past in detail which contains some abuse.  

Happy reading! 



Louis' POV 

"I am going to try to get through this as best as possible, so bare with me please," I said, taking a deep breath before I told them my deepest secret that no one else knows, not even Lottie. 

"When I was young, I had the best life. It was just the four of us mum, dad or well step-dad Mark, Lottie, and I. Everything was perfect, we would do loads of things together as a family. There's not one thing I can complain about from my childhood and early teen years. Then my mum got sick, but even then life was good other than that. We still did everything together. But then she died and everything turned upside down and life was never the same anymore," I paused for a moment to calm myself down the triplets all placed their hands on me in some way trying to comfort me as much as possible as well. It gave me enough strength to continue. 

"It was hard for all of us, we were so close and then one day it was no longer the four of us. Lottie and I lost our mum but Mark lost his mate. I knew it was hard on him, but it wasn't until recently that I realized just how hard it would be to lose a mate and I can honestly say I would never want to experience that, I wouldn't survive. I'm rambling now, anyway, the day after is when it started, I was only 15, Lottie was 10. Mark came home really late drunk. I tried to help him to bed but that's not what happened. That was the first night Mark hit me. I tried to ignore it, thinking it was just a one off because he was really drunk and he just lost the most important person in the world to him. He told me how worthless I was because I was an omega. He said that it was my responsibility to do all my omega duties. I didn't complain because I knew that if I didn't do it then it wouldn't get done or Lottie would have to do it but I refused to let her know what was happening, she was only a child. I thought maybe it would get better after I took on the omega duties, but it didn't get better, it got worse. Soon that one hit and harsh words turned into beatings and when that wasn't enough for him anymore, he resorted to other things." 

I didn't realize I was shaking and had tears running down my face until Harry spoke, "It's okay, my love, you don't have to continue if it is too much for you." 

I shook my head and took a deep breath, "No, I need to get this out. He would come home late at night, thankfully after Lottie was asleep, and he would still beat me but he started touching me. I didn't know what was happening. I tried to fight him off and some nights I was able to because he was so drunk, however, I was not always successful," I sniffed and wiped my nose with by sleeve before continuing. "He was my dad, he raised me. I never felt like his step-child, I loved him so much and he did that to me. He raped me so many times, eventually, I became so numb to it. But I knew I had to endure whatever he did to me because if not me then he could've went after Lottie. I would rather endure that over and over again for eternity than to ever let him even think about laying a finger on her. 

He did once though. She woke up one night because she had a bad dream. She came into my room and cuddled for a bit then she wanted a glass of water before she went back to bed. I didn't even think about how late it was. When we were going back upstairs, she ran into the side table and knocked off a vase and it shattered. Of course this was the time he came home. I took the blame and tried to get her back upstairs as quickly as possible but he grabbed her and started yelling. I was so scared for her, so I picked up the closest thing to me which was a coat rack and hit him with it. That was the night we left and we have never turned back. Lottie of course doesn't know anything other than what happened that night and she never will.

We ran as far away from there as possible. Only a few bags that we packed but not much. About a year after leaving we were taken in by a family that was super sweet for about the first month. Lottie was able to got to school which was great, but of course things changed. First for me, I was made to cook, clean, take care of their children, and anything else they needed done around the house. But it was fine because they took care of us, we had a place to stay and they allowed Lottie to eat dinner with them still. But then the mother tried to hit her one day and that was the end of us staying there. We gathered our stuff and left immediately that was about a year and a half ago. We never stayed in one place for more than a day so that no one could detect us. The only exception to that was when I had my heats. Luckily for us, I was usually able to find a cave to hide in or a river to help mask my scent as best as possible which seemed to help because I never had any issues. We continued this way until we ran into that Alpha and then Zayn and Liam found us and here we are. For the first time since my mum died, I feel Lottie and I are safe and protected. Being here with you three, Anne, and the lads make me know everything will be alright. For that I can never repay you, but I promise I will try every day for the rest of my life to." 

They didn't say anything, instead they just pulled me into their arms. Holding me tightly almost like they were trying to protect me and make me feel safe through their action. I threw my arms around them and held on tight. 

"Thank you for sharing this part of you. You are so brave and strong. You have been through so much and we are all so proud to call you our mate. We could never have wished for a better, more perfect omega to be our Luna," Marcel said, while running his hands up and down my back.  

I looked up at them and I saw them all looking at each other, almost like they are silently communicating. Edward and Harry nodded towards Marcel. 

"Louis, we want you to know that we do not think negatively of you. Your experience how strong you are and how much you have done to protect your sister only makes us love you so much more." 

I snapped my head up, looking at them with wide eyes. "Y-y-you l-l-love me?" I stuttered. 

They all smiled at me. "More than you could ever know, baby. We love you and Lottie so much, you both are our family, " Harry said while the other two nodded along in agreement. 

I started crying again as I threw myself at them. 

After this, we laid in bed and cuddled, just enjoying each others' presence. 

"Lou, can I ask you a question?" Edward asked. 

"Of course, Eddie, always." 

"Umm, you mentioned your heats earlier... when is your next one and do you want us to help you through it or no?" 

I wasn't expecting this, "Oh, umm, I think my next heat is due in about a month maybe. I am not really sure though because I wasn't really able to track them before, they just kind of came." I took a second to think about whether or not I want them to help me through it or not. 

"I would love that, however, I think that I don't want our first time to be when I am in heat but, I'm afraid that I am not ready and I will freak out again. And I don't want that, so if it doesn't happen before my heat then, I would like to wait. However, if we have by that time, then yes, absolutely... is that okay with you all?" I asked nervously. 

"Absolutely my love. Whatever you want to do is what we will do. We will never  do anything to make you uncomfortable or anything that you do not want. We love you so much, baby!" Edward said. 

"I know you wouldn't, I trust you all. Thank you." With that I snuggled more into them allowing them to cuddle me more and hold me close. I drifted off to sleep with a smile on my face, feeling so safe and secure surrounded by all of my mates. 

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