Chapter 9

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Hello! Thank you all so much for reading! Here is the next chapter! 

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Louis' POV

As I made my way through the hall towards the triplets' room, Niall came toward me.

"Hey, Louis, I just wanted to say sorry again for earlier. I promise to be more mindful and make sure that I don't break things anymore," he said.

"No it's okay, I overreacted. I'm used to bad things happening so I just wanted to protect my sister. You don't need to apologize."

"Well, I am still sorry," he said. "Where are you headed?"

"I was hoping to talk to the triplets. Do you know if they are in their room?"

"Yeah, they should be. You can go on in, I'm sure they would love to see you!" his squeal at the end of that scared me a little. I don't understand what is so special about that okay... with that, I nodded my head towards him and continued to their room.

Once I got to their room, I didn't know what to do. Should I knock? No, Niall said I could just go in... so if I knock that might be weird. I was standing there for a couple of minutes debating what I should do.

"Louis, what are you doing darling?" Anne asked as she came up the stairs.

"Oh, I was going to talk to the triplets. You know try to get more comfortable here and let myself live a little like we talked about earlier. But I guess I am nervous," I whispered, feeling uncomfortable and shy all of the sudden.

She just smiled at me, "Oh honey, that's great! I am sure they would love to see you and talk to you. Go on in, I'm sure they will be so thrilled!" With that, she gave me a little shove and walked away.

I took a deep breath and just walked in as Niall and Anne told me to do. However, that was not such a good idea.

As I walked in, I had my head down as I spoke, "Hello, Alphas. I was hoping —" but I was cut off by a loud growl.

I was startled at first, but not even a second later, I looked up, preparing myself to fight whoever I needed to. However, that didn't last long as I took in the sight in front of me. There standing in the middle of the room were the three pack alphas, half-naked, tangled up in each other.

"Sorry, Alphas!" I quickly said and ran of out the room, closing the door behind me. I made my way to my room as quickly as I could.

My breathing was heavy and I couldn't calm myself down. My omega was flipping out, unsure of what to do and how to feel because, on one hand, he wanted to go back and join our mates, however, on the other hand was worried and upset that we did something to anger him our alphas. I got in my bed, pulling the blankets around me trying to find some form of comfort to ease myself and my omega.

Harry's pov (a little earlier)

The three of us weren't the most energetic tonight. All of us were impacted by what happened earlier and we didn't know how to handle it.

Marcel was the first to speak, "Are we not good enough alphas?"

"What do you mean, Marce?" Ed asked.

"It was so easy for him to want to leave us. I just don't understand why."

I sighed, seeing Marcel like this breaks my heart. "No, love, it's not us. He has had a rough past. That's not just going to change in a month. You have to remember he has been running from something for years, always having to keep his guard up in survival mode to keep Lottie and himself safe. That's bound to take its toll on anyone, especially a young omega."

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