Chapter 10

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Louis' POV

I woke up this morning feeling better than I have in a while. I don't know why... no that's a lie, I don't want to admit why. I have been on my own for years now so it is hard for me to allow myself to admit that I had one of the best nights sleep since I was little and my mum was still alive. Admitting that means admitting that the alpha triplets make me feel safe and secure enough that I was able to let my guard down. That in and of itself makes me confused and have mixed feelings. While it scares me so much that not only one but three alphas (my mates or not) have this affect on me after my harsh experiences with alphas, it is also nice to be able to relax around them. It kind of makes me happy and excited to see what my future holds for me with them in it. 

After getting out of bed finally, I shower and get dressed for the day. The good nights sleep I got last night, and maybe some new... discoveries, yeah let's go with that, I am in a great mood. I make my way downstairs and go to the kitchen for breakfast. 

I was up early apparently because when I got to the kitchen, it was just Anne in there preparing food for everyone. 

"Good morning, Anne!" I greeted her with a smile on my face. 

She jumped a bit, "My god, Louis, you gave me a fright! Good morning to you too, darling. What are you doing up so early? And what has got you so chipper this morning?" 

"Nothing, just got a good nights rest is all. Can I help you with anything?" 

"No that's alright I've got it. Would you like a cup of tea?" 

"I'd love one, thank you!" I smiled. 

She made us both some tea and as she sat mine down in front of me she spoke, "Alright, young man, spill. Tell me what has gotten into you and don't try to give me this b.s. about a good nights rest. I think you forget that I am a mum of three triplet alphas, I know when someone is not telling me the truth." 

My body seems to be working against me today because the mention of the triplets made my cheeks go red and turn hot. She gave me a knowing look, one that only a mother can give. I lowered my head trying to hide this from her but I knew she saw it. I let out a sigh and lifted my head up. I knew that I couldn't lie to her. 

"You know, it's not fair. I never stood a chance when you give me that look. The one only mums have." 

She just smiled and chuckled at that but maintained the mum look. 

"Fine, but you can't say anything to anyone. Last night, when I went to talk to the triplets, something happened which I will not get into because it is something that should remain between the four of us so please do not ask. But it led to us having a good conversation and also, their alphas and my omega got to comfort each other. It was nice, I don't think I have ever felt so safe and secure in my life, not even as a child when my mum would comfort me. While I am still very much guarded, I have made the choice to stay and to live rather than just survive. Either way, something changed last night after talking with them. I felt safe enough and could trust that nothing bad would happen to me or Lottie with them around. I guess that did allow me to really sleep without the fear of something happening to either of us." It's very nice being able to talk like this with someone. In a way it reminds me of my mum, she was always my best friend and I could always tell her anything. Having Anne here was not the same at all but it was very close and I appreciate her. 

"That's wonderful news, Louis! I know that it is not the easiest for you to let people in and I am glad that you have trusted me enough to tell me this. I also know that it is hard for you to let my sons in and I hope you know that it's okay to go at your own pace. They would never want to push you into anything you did not want or were not ready for. And if they do you let me know and I will deal with them!" she said. 

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