Chapter 16

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(A little time Skip: few weeks later) 

Louis' POV 

It's been a few weeks since I shared my story with the triplets. I was grateful that they haven't really treated me any different. I mean yes, they have started to complement me more and make sure that I feel loved and protected which is great. I have gone into town with them a few more times, still trying to get a feel for the pack and the town. Everyone seems to be really kind which could be because they know I am their alphas' mate and their next Luna but for the most part everyone seems genuine. 

Not only have I spent time in town with the pack, but I have also started talking more with Zayn, Liam, and Niall. Mainly Niall since the other two were busy with pack stuff a lot. I am really glad I have given Niall a chance. The Irish lad may be a bit high strung but that's what makes him interesting. I could learn a thing or two from him about letting go and being carefree honestly. 

Today, while all of our mates were busy, we decided to spend some time together. I really wanted to talk to him in private about something that only he and Anne could really tell me because they were both Omegas, however, this was not really a conversation I wanted to have with Anne and I am sure she would rather I spare her as well. 

I was heading to Niall's room but he seemed to beat me to it because when I opened my door he was right there bouncing excitedly, "Hi Louis! Are you ready? What do you want to do?" 

I couldn't help but laugh at him, "Hi, Niall. Yes, I am ready. I figured we could go somewhere and talk privately if that's okay with you." 

"Whoa there, Louis, I am a happily mated man and my mates would not take kindly to your forwardness," he exclaimed as he dramatically put a hand on his chest. 

I rolled my eyes at him with a smile, "That is not what I meant, besides you're not my type...I am not much into leprechauns." 

"Oi! I'll have you know I am everyone's type thank you every much!" 

We both laughed and made our way down the stairs and outside.  We took a walk throughout the edge of the woods, just talking and fucking about for a while until Niall complained he was tired and we found a shaded spot to set down in. 

"So, Lou, what did you want to talk to me about that was so secretive that we had to come all the way out here?" he finally asked. 

"Umm, well, you see... I-I umm--" 

"Spit it out, Lou!" Niall said impatiently. 

"Iwanttomatewiththeriplet!" I rushed out. 

He looked at me confused, "Come again, maybe a little slower this time." 

I sighed, "I want to mate with the triplets." 

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!" he squealed as he jumped up and down before tackling me. "This is so exciting! Do they know? When do you want to do it?" he rambled out. 

"Okay, calm down. I don't want the entire pack knowing. But to answer your questions, no they don't know, well I mean they know that it will happen eventually obviously but they don't know when. They are letting me set the pace of us and please I beg you do not tell them or anyone. I understand that you'll tell Liam and Zayn but please I don't want this to get out." 

He nodded frantically, "Yes, of course! My lips are sealed, I promise!"

"Thank you, Ni! As for your other question, I am not sure. I mean, I don't really fancy everyone around, knowing what we are doing. That's the one thing that sucks about sharing a house with you lot," I laughed. 

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