Chapter 27

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A/N: In this story, we learn more about Ace. Be prepared and have fun reading

It's very quiet and awkward until Dean has an idea.

"Say, Ace..." Dean says hesitantly. "It seemed like you were a little, well, down today and that's okay!" He says the latter quickly to make it clear that it isn't that bad. "But, could that be tonight?"

Ace looks at Dean with a tilted head. He pretends he doesn't know what Dean is talking about

"About what you said in your sleep?" Dean tells him.

Ace looks straight ahead. "About my father you mean?"

Dean nods. "If you don't want to talk about it, I get it! You only seemed so down today."

Ace looks at Dean sympathetically. "Thank you for worrying about me." He strokes Dean's hair for a moment.

Dean smiles briefly at him. "Sure I'm worried about you."

"That's sweet of you Dean."

Dean nods again. "I'm sorry I asked."

"No no, it's okay. You probably want to know about my father, don't you?" Ace looks at Dean.

"O-only if you want it", Dean says quickly and looks at him.

Ace nods. "I'll tell you."

"Okay", Dean says and he looks at Ace listening.

Ace sits up and takes a breath. "Uhm where do I start... Well, my father is a terrible person."

"Oh?" Dean says surprised. "Why?"

"My father hurt my mother and I will never forgive him for that. He left my mother like a piece of dirt. It all started when my mother met him in America. She had fallen in love with him and he with her. They planned to marry each other but before that happened they were sleeping together And my mother became pregnant with me She told my father but he showed no emotion or joy at the news On the day of the wedding, she was heavily pregnant with me. They were preparing for their special day. When the ceremony started, it was also the end of the ceremony."

Dean's eyes widen. "When the ceremony started was that also the end of the ceremony?" Repeats Dean questioningly.

Ace nods. "My father wasn't there. He didn't show up."

Dean's face tightened. "What?" he says surprised and softly.

"On that day my father already married another woman. But he already had a plan to hurt my mother. To cheat her. He planned that he would marry my mother at noon and that other woman, but that was rescheduled at the same time as my mother's wedding day."

"With another woman!" Dean can't believe his eyes. He's never heard of this.

Ace nods. "Two days later I was born. Without a father next to me. My mother has taken care of me until now and she has already told me about this. She is a strong woman and always shows her best smile. You don't see that she's sad about it." Ace looks ahead. "But sometimes she is. She always wanted the best for me that I had a father by my side and that she could take better care of me. But I've been happy that she was with me for a long time." Ace then looks at Dean and smiles softly. Tears slowly run down Dean's cheeks from Ace's story.

Ace is startled. "W-why are you crying?!" He wipes the tears with his sleeve.

"How could anyone do such a heartless thing?" Dean cries. "Especially your mother! She is so polite and compassionate. She cares for you and loves you with all her heart. Why would such a horrible man have to do that to you!"

"Haha" Ace stops swiping. "I get it. If I saw him I'd punch him. But hey, that's the world. Life is hard."

"I could never do something like that!" Dean then says as he begins to speak louder. "And why am I crying? You're supposed to cry, not me!"

"Because you're a sensitive person," Ace giggles.

"Hmhphhmh", Dean mumbles and hugs Ace. "I would never, never leave my lover with the child. No matter how hard the times are."

"I know you won't." Ace smiles and pats Dean's hair.

"Keep loving your mother Ace!", says Dean almost commandingly. "Keep looking after her and supporting her in all the difficult times!"

Ace laughs. "I will, Dean. I will."

Dean wipes his tears and says at the same time. "You swear that on your whole life"

"Plus I also love someone else that I would very much like to take care of."

Dean immediately gives him a stern look. "Who!?"

"Hmm, there was someone too," Ace thinks seriously. "I like that one."

Dean grabs Ace's shirt. "Who!"

Ace looks at Dean. "Why do you want to know?"

"Ah- Uhm- well I- that thing for the uh- that other thing- you know where I-hmm." Dean is all talking nonsense.

Ace raises an eyebrow in confusion. But then he laughs and pricks Dean's cheeks. "You're the sucker. I love you."

Dean looks surprised at first, then breathes a sigh of relief.

Ace laughs even harder. "Were you jealous or something."

"Me? Jealous! No whatttt?", says Dean exaggerated

Ace has to laugh. "Dean you are so bad at lying."

"I can't help it either, okay! Yes, yes I was jealous", Dean says directly.

"Aww Dean." Ace gives Dean a hug.

Dean hugs him back with a shy face which luckily he can't see.

"I love you very much," Ace says.

"I love you very much too," Dean says.

"I know. I know you love me."

Dean looks at Ace. "And keep that in mind"

"Yes yes, oh so jealous boy."

"Ha-ha," Dean says sarcastically. "Shut up, at least I can do this." Dean leans forward and kisses Ace on the lips.

"Hmppf", Ace comes out who gets a shiver down his body.

Dean then stops but looks at Ace very closely. Their lips are only 1 cm apart.

"D..D.." Ace's voice trembles a little.

Dean doesn't stop and holds Ace by his shirt. Ace holds Dean's back. Ace's lips are soft and it makes Dean feel warm. Ace lies on top of Dean. Dean's cheeks turn red. Then Ace lifts Dean's shirt. At the same time they kiss each other. The whole room feels warm. Suddenly there is a knock on the door. Dean is startled and stops what they are doing. He hadn't expected that. Dean pulls his shirt down and stands up. As he walks to the door he straightens his hair. Ace does the same as Dean. Dean opens the door. Anna is standing at the door. 

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