Chapter 14

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*It will be a little hurtful......enjoy reading this chapter!

Eventually they arrive at Dean's house.

"Last stop,  Dean's home" says Ace as a bus driver.

Dean smiles. "It looks like my sister is already home."

"Say hello to your mother and your sister to me," Ace says to Dean.

"I will," Dean says, opening the door of the car.

"Wait Dean." Ace stops him.

He stops just before Dean wants to get out. "Yes?"

Ace gently grabs Dean's head with his hand and pushes it towards Ace. Ace kisses him gently. He gives Dean a wink. "A good night kiss in advance."

"G-Good n-night", Dean stutters and gets out of the car. Before he walks into his house, he turns to Ace for a short wave. Then he walks inside with his keys.

Ace smiles to herself and drives home. When Dean comes in, he hears his sister greet him. "Hello Dean, and how was Ace?"

"Cozy", Dean cheerfully tells his sister. That day passes quickly and before they know it, the school day has already started. Dean has been stirring about Ace all evening. As always, Anna is always waiting for Dean. If Anna sees him running, she runs mad at him and hugs him with a jump.

"Dean, how happy I am to see you! What happened that day ?!" Is the first thing she says. Dean explains everything to Anna, except for the romantic parts with Ace. He doesn't want to lie to her about what happened.

"Oh god Dean !! I knew I had to stay with you. Instead of Ace," Anna says when Dean has finished talking. Jealousy sounds from her voice.

"No, because if you stayed with me you would still be sick," Dean says laughing.

Anna nods thoughtfully. "That's true, but Ace didn't hurt you right ?!"

Dean shakes his head. "No, he really helped me a lot."

"And how then !? He didn't have you anyway .." She shows a few hand gestures about 18 plus things with her hands.

 Dean shakes his head. "No, he really helped me a lot."

Anna looks Dean with her eyes to slits. "Really where nothing happens!" makes Dean clear.

Anna looks at Dean just as quickly. "Okay then, let's go to school," says Anna. They walk to school together, as always. When Dean comes into class, he sees Ace already. "Good morning, Ace," he tells him.

Ace looks happy at Dean. "Good morning, Dean." He shows him a warm smile.

"Oh yes, thanks for borrowing your clothes." He takes the clothes from his bag and places it on the table with him. "Again."

Ace immediately puts the clothes in his bag. "No problem. You can always borrow my clothes."

Dean nods and walks to his place with Anna. "Hey hey !? What is your relationship between you and Ace !?", says Anna curiously.

"We are friends," Dean says, and Dean smiles at her.

"FRIENDS !!?", She says a little too loudly.

"Sstt Anna, not so loud!", Dean hisses not to attract the attention of the other classmates. Anna attracts Dean.

"Yes we are friends" Dean says to her in a whisper.

Anna can't believe it. Dean has to giggle for her facial expression. She never saw that coming. The lesson starts because the teacher talks in class. Everyone stops talking. The lesson starts and goes smoothly. After a few lessons there is a break. Anna and Dean eat together as always. Dean is happy that Anna is better again. She also looks much better right away. They chat about many things. When the break is over, the lessons start again. They go faster than they had expected and before they know it it is already the end of the day. Anna is so close to him because she doesn't want Ace to come. Dean doesn't notice anything.

And at that moment a person named Kaj arrives. You can clearly see from Dean that he doesn't feel like it. Anna has no idea because she is looking for whether she sees Ace. Kaj walks up to him with a few boys. Dean gets nervous when he sees it. Anna immediately looks their way. She is in defense mode.

"Take her away," says Kaj with a snap in his finger. The boys immediately grab Anna's arms.

"Let me go, idiots!" Anna shouts as she tries to struggle. "What are you doing?" Dean shouts and wants to go to Anna to help her, but is then also stopped by a few other boys. Kaj does not answer Dean. "Take her away."

Anna is dragged away with difficulty and Dean is stopped by the boys.

Kaj walks towards Dean. "Take him to the spot."

Dean tries to free himself, although it makes no sense at all. He is brought to the back of the school behind one or a vague shed that is for storage.

Anna is taking to another place.

Dean doesn't know where they left her. "Let us go Kaj!" Dean shouts to him. He is pushed against the barn by the boys.

"Do you think I'll just let you go ?!" says Kaj thoughtfully.

"What do you want!" , Dean tells him.

"What do you think?" , he answers in a slow tone.

"How should I know? Revenge because Ace hit you?" Dean says irritably.

"Yes and something else. I wasn't ready to kiss you," says Kaj.

"Wha-what!", Dean says surprised. Is that why he is taking him now? To kiss him further?

"But now we make it more exciting," says Kaj provocatively.

"More exciting?" Dean looks at him frighteningly and questioningly.

"Yes," says Kaj. He takes his phone out of his pocket. He's calling someone. If he has the one, he puts it on loudspeaker. You can hear Anna screaming from the phone.

Dean looks at him anxiously "What are you doing with her!"

"You don't have to know. Don't worry, she can't hear you. He points to the button where you can silence the sound." Whatever you say she can't hear you. "

"Let her go Kaj!" Dean shouts.

Kaj is thinking. "Let me think ... no."

"What do you want, Kaj," he says angrily as he hears Anna cursing on the phone.

"How about an obligation."

"An obligation?" Dean looks at him questioningly, although he has such a feeling that it is not something good.

"Yes look I show it." He is pressing the button on his phone. "Boys hurt Anna." "Understood!" They hear from Kaj phone. Immediately you hear Anna screaming in pain.

"No, stop!" Dean calls to Kaj. "Don't hurt her! What are you doing! Stop!"

"Dean !!" He hears Anna screaming from the phone.

The tears come to his eyes as soon as he hears his name. "Kaj stop it!"

"Okay guys wait a minute," he says quietly on the phone. "Got it!" The boys say. Kaj presses the off button again. "So if you want us to release Anna, you have to do what we say."

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