Chapter 10

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"I try to keep it a secret because you don't like me and because I bullied you and everything," says Ace very quickly. Dean pauses. "But why did you tease me when you like me?" "Because .... uuhhhm ... because it's funny to bully you," says Ace. Dean pulls his hands away. "Funny?" He says insultingly. "Uh I mean." "You thought this was all funny, even though you liked me," he says insultingly. "Well, uh ... yes ... I ...", says Ace and sees that Dean is offended.

Dean looks away with horror on his face. "You know how embarrassed I am with all the things you did, Kaj is even starting to take over."

"I ... I'm sorry, Dean, but ... I just wanted." Ace doesn't know what to answer. This is not at all the way he had planted it.

Dean grabs his elbow with one hand and looks down, embarrassed. "Dean." Ace wants to touch him.

"Why did you do it Ace?" Dean asks as he looks down. "I ... don't know. I'm in love with you! Everyone does crazy things."

"You wanted to put a pill in me! What do you think it was good for?" Dean says, looking at him with disgust in his eyes. "Well I did that because you are a weakling," says Ace. "So then you can just abuse me?" Dean squeezes his elbow harder.

Ace looks at Dean. "It's not abusing." "What is it then," Dean tells him.

"Make you more masculine."

Dean shakes his head slowly and looks hard. "If you really loved me, then you don't try to change me, you don't try to make me more masculine."

"If I didn't love you, I wouldn't save you from Kaj," Ace says in a harsh tone. "That's right, but that does not mean that the things you have done are not bad," Dean says abruptly. "You would never have seen me like that," Ace says back. "Just went to me," says Dean directly. "During lunch or in the morning. Just had a conversation with me." "Well, thanks to a grateful friend of yours, I didn't have the chance," Ace says and looks away. "So then I 'make it more masculine'," he says sarcastically. "Your only option?" Ace shrugs. "Yes" is his short answer.

Dean shakes his head in disbelief. "And now Kaj takes over the behavior from you." "I'll take care of that with Kaj," says Ace. "And what about you," says Dean. "You just keep going?" "I guarantee that from now on I will stop." And makes a hand gesture that Ace no longer works. Dean holds up his little finger. "Pinkie swear you won't do it again without my permission." "Without his permission," Ace repeats in his head. He immediately has a smirk face on his face. "Okay." He touches Dean's little finger with his little finger. "I swear I'll only do it with your permission." Dean nods satisfied and releases his little finger. "But do we still have the deal?" Ace asks uncertainly. "The deal stays," Dean tells him. Dean then laughs a little drowsy. "Now I also understand why you made such a deal with me." "Yes, I have to do everything to show someone that I like the person," Ace says grumbling, but he doesn't mean it in an angry way. It actually looks pretty cute when he grumbles like that. Dean giggles and says, "Right." Ace notices it. "Come let's continue playing with the game." "Hmh!", Dean says ethausiastly, and grabs his controller while he focuses on the screen again. They play on the PlayStation for a while.

They don't realize it, but time passes like a train. After a while, Dean rings his phone. It's his sister, he's answering. "Hey sis." "Hey Dean, how are you doing?" She asks in the phone. "That's great," Dean tells her. "Don't you want to sleep with him?" his sister asks. "Sleep ?!", Dean says surprised to his sister on the phone. "Yes, that seems nice," she says. "Sis, I can't do that, I'll just come home," Dean tells her. "No no. Mother has already agreed with Ace mother," she says happily. "What!" Dean says more surprisingly than before. "Oh..ok then." "Have fun," says his sister and she hangs up.

Dean looks at his phone in surprise and then sighs. At that moment the mother of Ace comes in Ace room. She smiles at the two boys. Dean smiles politely back. "If you don't want to, you can say that, okay dear," Ace says mother kindly. "No, no, it's not that, I don't mind," he says shyly. sweetheart is mentioned. "I just don't know what Ace thinks about it." Only he does not show it, "Ace says mother who has to laugh. Dean nods. He finds it something for him too." Come let's go eat, "says Ace's mother. Dean nods and walks with Ace's mother Ace also gets up and follows them, and when he is down he starts to set the table.

"Shall I help?" Dean asks Ace politely. "If you want," he answers. Dean takes the knives and forks and helps cover the table. Then Ace grabs the glasses and the drink and the plates on both hands. "Wow!" Says Dean, fascinated. Ace nods proudly. "Hmpf see what I can do." "If you break something, I'll break you," his mother says from the kitchen. Dean laughs at Ace's mother. "Yes ma", Ace says and carefully puts everything on the table. Before his mother really killed him. Dean helps him so that the plates do not fall off his arms and break. "Thank you, honey", Ace makes a joke. "Honey?", He says surprised and questioning. "Do I get permission to say that?" He asks. Dean looks thoughtful for a moment. "That's fine, as long as it's not a strange nickname." "It's not, I'm just saying," darling. "" And plays with his eyebrows playfully. Dean turns his eyes and sits down at the table. Dean turns his eyes and sits down at the table. Ace mother comes in with food and puts it down on the table. Then she taps Ace's forehead with a convex spoon. Dean sees it and has to giggle. "Ma that hurts" Ace says thoughtfully as he rubs his forehead. "I know, you just have to behave" she says and sits down at the table. Ace and Dean also sit down at the table. Ace wants Dean to sit next to him. So Ace takes the seat next to Dean. Ace mother sits opposite them.

The food smells delicious. "Eat your belly full!" His mother says cheerfully. Ace is about to. Dean waits patiently for Ace to finish and then serves himself. Ace watches how much Dean brags. It is just a normal number, which he eats daily. Ace nods satisfied. Dean does not realize that Ace is paying attention. "Let's eat," his mother says. All three eat together. Everyone is enjoying their food. Dean has never eaten such delicious food. Except for his sister. After dinner they get a cheesecake for dessert. The cheesecake is also delicious! After they have eaten and cleared away, they prepare the things for tonight.

It's time to take a shower. Dean is the first to take a shower and borrows some Ace clothing. When Dean is ready, Ace takes a shower. Ace clothes are a bit too big for Dean. His clothing also smells very much like Ace, which of course makes sense, but he just notices. When Ace is ready, he enters the room half naked. He wipes the last bit of his hair with his towel. Dean stares without realizing it. He has a very good body! Good abs, good body worth a 10. Would he sit at the gym? Because only now does Dean notice that he really has a lot of muscles. "Man, that was a nice shower," Ace says, not knowing Dean is staring at him. "Uhu," Dean says muttering that he agrees. His eyes don't drift away from Ace. "Hm?" Ace looks at Dean. Dean quickly looks shy away. His hair is still dripping on his shirt. Ace looks questioningly at Dean. And walks to him without Dean noticing. Dean just asks himself why he was staring.


"huh, what, yes?", he says surprised and looks up.

Ace's face is close to Dean's face. Dean is startled and therefore wants to push him away from his chest, but as soon as he realizes that he is touching his bare skin, he immediately lets go.

"Owwhh Dean anyway", says Ace sneaky with that big grin on his face.

"Um, sorry" says Dean.

Dean's hair drips onto Ace's nose. Ace comes closer to Dean. Dean looks away and goes back a little. Ace looks straight into Dean's eyes and laughs. He holds a towel in his right hand and puts it on Dean's hair. And shakes his hair back and forth. "You have to dry your hair well, you don't want to get sick, do you?" Dean closes his eyes out of reflex. "Sorry." Ace is smiling. And gives him a soft tap on Dean's forehead. "Sukkel", but he says it in a sweet tone. Shy, he puts a hand on his forehead while the towel is on his head.

Ace mother calls Ace so Ace goes to his mother. It takes a long time before he comes back. Dean meanwhile dries his hair. Ace stays away for a long time. Dean stands up and walks to the door to see where Ace is. He looks around the corner. Ace helps his mother with a few things. They are things to sleep with. Dean walks into the living room. Ace lays down a blanket and a pillow on the couch. Looking at his face, he is tired.

"Oh hi Dean," says Ace's mother standing behind him.

"Hey, am I sleeping here tonight?" Dean asks curiously.

"Oh no, Ace is sleeping here," says his mother. Ace gives a bitchie face to his mother.

His mother doesn't care. "You can sleep in Ace's bed," she continues.

Ace says nothing and makes the couch tidy. "Okay," Dean says he understood.

"Good night you two." She gives Ace a kiss on the forehead and a kiss on Dean's forehead.

Dean is surprised for a moment, but let it go. "Sleep well," he says politely.

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