Chapter 2

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It is still quiet. Dean takes the note from his hands and reads it again. This is the right place. Dean hears a small crack. Dean quickly turns to where the sound is coming from.

"Hey Dean."

Ace is right for Dean. "Hey ..."

Ace Dean grabs his shoulder and brings Dean back to such a high bench (Such a high cupboard where you jump on). Dean is anxiously waiting to see what Ace is going to do again.

"Sit down" says Ace. "What are you going to do?" Dean asks and looks at Ace frighteningly. "Shut up!" Dean climbs on the device. "Ace you really have to stop this," he says tremblingly. "And why?" Ace asks Dean. "Because you're a bully," Dean says, not looking at him. "And my sister cannot figure this out, if she does it will not be fun for you and me." "Okay then I'll be extra careful." Ace grabs a bottle of cream from his bag. He walks to Dean with the bottle of whipped cream. "A ... Ace!" Dean is already picking up the bottle with a reflex that Ace also holds. Afraid that Dean is being sprayed. "I don't want to put it on your clothes, just for your mouth, don't you like it?" Ace looks at Dean sweetly. "I don't have to," Dean says frighteningly. "Do it" says Ace commandingly. "Otherwise it will be worse for you." Doubtfully and with trembling hands Dean slowly release the spray.

Ace grabs Deans cheek and keep Deans mouth open and pour the cream into Dean's mouth. "Ahhh-" Dean says and Ace grabs his wrist to make sure he has to stop. Ace just likes it but doesn't stop. "Hmm" hears Ace Dean saying while he looks nervous.

"Is it good?" Dean cannot answer because of all the whipped cream in his mouth. Ace stops with the whipped cream. Deans whole mouth is full that he must put a hand under it so that it does not drip. Ace bites to Dean's mouth. And he opens his mouth in Dean's mouth. Dean looks up in amazement. "Hmpphh", says Dean and the tears jump in his eyes. He tries to push him away as much as he can. But Ace does not let that happen and slurps a few whipped cream from Dean's mouth. As a result Dean can also swallow his whipped cream. Ace uses his tongue to lick the whipped cream on Dean's side.

"Ac ... c ... e" strikes Dean. Ace does not listen to him. "You're really ... really ... hhmpp dis... disgusting," Dean tries to say. "Disgusting, and you? With the whipped cream in his mouth." "And by whom is that ... that!", Says Dean tense. "Yourself," he answers. "You ... You... You... do it in my mouth!" Dean vibrates. "But you do not stop me," Ace says back. "Because you kill me otherwise." He looks at Ace and wipes his mouth on his sleeve. Ace shrugs his shoulders. Dean also gets some whipped cream from his hair which had come in per accident. "You look cute," says Ace. Dean looks at him dry. "Do I have to fall for that?" "Maybe," he says, reflective. Dean turns his eyes. "But let's continue what we are doing," says Ace, holding Dean's shirt up. "Whaa ... whaa..whaa ... What are you doing!", Dean says very quickly and tries to take his shirt down again. "Just keep going what I am doing." He picks up the whipped cream bottle and sprays it on Dean's belly. "Ace stop!" Dean looks panicky at what Ace is doing and then he smashes the spray can from his hands. Ace looks at him angrily. And press Deans head on the couch. Ouch that's going to hurt, he's going to get trouble on his head. "You better keep your mouth shut." He unzips Deans pants. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!", Dean said startled. "Please stop." The tears jump in his eyes. "Stop." Ace stops and looks at Dean. He hisses with his tongue and releases Dean.

A few tears roll down his cheeks, which he immediately hides in his sleeve. Ace comes closer and dries the tears with his sleeve from Dean's face. "Please stop Ace" he says sadly. "But you are crying idiot," he says back. Dean lifts his nose while Ace tries to wipe away the tears. "That is because of you." "You are a whiny baby, dork." "And you are a bully", says Dean with tears in his eyes and sits up carefully. His shirt and belly are completely under the whipped cream. "Look, you spill the whipped cream." Ace bends down and licks the whipped cream. Dean pushes Ace by his shoulders. "I'll get a towel at the gym hall!" "No, this goes much faster." He touches Dean's belly with his tongue. Dean holds Ace tightly by his shoulder. "N ... do not do it", he murmurs. "Hmm ... mouth shut." Dean does what he says and shrinks. The tongue of Ace tickles in Dean's belly. "Uhhggmm", says Dean full of disgust. After a while, Ace is done. "Hmm that was tasty." Dean does not look at Ace and holds his hand over his face. "Ughh, I've wasted a whole lot of money for you, you better pay me for my lunch tomorrow," says Ace and cleans the whipped cream around his mouth. Dean does not answer and lowers his shirt. "Hey, you have to answer when I talk!" He says and grabs Deans cheek. "Okay" then he swallows. "You look really cute," says Ace. Dean takes his head away. "As if." "When you cried, that was really cute." Dean gently pushes Ace backwards and stands up. He sighs tiredly. "That was it for today", says Ace and also stands up. 'For today' Dean repeats in his head. "Oh and keep this outside from Anna" informs Ace Dean. Dean looks up in amazement. How does he know that I tell her? "Why?" "Otherwise, Anna is in front of me, and these are not her business." Ace looks at Dean with caution. "My body is not your business either," Dean would actually say to Ace. Ace grabs the whipped cream bottle. "But I have to go now because you've ruined it." "Why have I ruined it again," says Dean tiredly. "Because the little baby cried." Dean sighs and walks past Ace to the door. "Whatever," he murmurs and he walks away. "Hey wait", stop Ace Dean. Ace grabs Dean's hand just in time. Dean looks at him in amazement and inquiringly. Ace makes a quick movement and kisses Deans lips violently. "Hm!", Says Dean startled. Ace forces Dean to open his mouth. "Mhm!" Dean groans. He pushes Ace backwards. But Ace does not let that happen and Dean pushes against the wall. Again he kisses Dean on his lips. Ace goes deeper and deeper. Dean gets almost no air at one point. Ace noticed it and released it. Dean is panting from the lack of air.

Ace sees that Dean has become a bit red. He quickly makes a photo of it. "What are you doing!", Dean says with astonishment as his cheeks glow. "Save." Ace puts his phone back in his pocket. "Making a deal with you", Ace says to him. Dean looks at him questioning. "Deal? What kind of deal?" "You just do what I say," says Ace. "Why should I?" Dean says to him. "Because I will then benefit you," he says. "What benefit?" Dean says curiously. Ace looks at Dean with a smile. "The photo", he says.

Dean closes his eyes for a moment and looks hard. He does not have to explain anything else. He knows that if he doesn't do what he says the photo will be sent to the whole school "You're really awful." "Not that bad either," says Ace sad. "You should know," Dean says, wiping a hand over his lips. "Anna expects me to bring her Fanta so I'm going." "Owwh the baby butler has to go, what a pity." Ace is already picking up his bag. "At least I'm not a bully like you," says Dean, making sure that his shirt and hair are in good condition so that Anna doesn't notice anything. Ace looks at him threateningly. Dean's eyes are just as big. He grabs his bag and quickly runs away. When Dean is out of sight, Ace gets his hands through his hair. "Tsk." And put his arm in front of his mouth. "He is so cute."

Dean walks to the vending machine as if nothing happens and buys two Fanta. Then he goes back to the classroom where Anna is waiting for him. "One Fanta for Mrs." He holds the cold can against her cheek. "And where did you stay?" She says as she opens her can of Fanta. "Sorry, the Biology teacher kept talking when I met him," says Dean as an excuse. "What a teacher says", says Anna who believes his excuse. "You know him", plays Dean and goes back to her again. "Yes, that teacher always talks to children in the corridor, does he have no life or something", says Anna irritated. "I had to wait 20 minutes." And takes a big sip of her Fanta. "Sorry," Dean offers his excuse. "You do not have to say 'sorry', the teacher has to do that!" Dean laughs at her for a second. Always when she is angry she has an eyebrow that continues to move irritated. "Come on, let's go, I've had enough of this." "Okay okay", says Dean grinning. The two stand up and walk out of school. Cozy chatting with the two of them. On home.

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