Update for Book 2

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Author's Note
Hey guys, Addie here. I know it's been quite a while that I have updated but I come bearing good news!!!

First Chapter of Book Two of Spying On Love has been finally published!!!

Go check it out on my profile.

Also here's the introduction so check it out! I have read all your comments and I really appreciate all the love you guys gave to book one and hope the same for Book Two so let's go start this new journey!! Once again love you all for all the comments, likes and shares!!!

Alright here's a glimpse of Book Two!!

•Book 2 of Spying On Love•

8 months after the events with her father, MJ hopes to begin a new chapter of her own.

To find her own place and think about her career, while also handling her relationship with Peter, and most importantly her spy work.

Now that Ned, Betty and Flash know the secrets of the Spy-der Couple, the five have built enough trust to make their own team and become the friendly neighborhood super team. But all is not well for MJ, as she struggles to communicate with Peter and their relationship takes a turn for the worse.

Also, who the hell is this Brad Davis???

Contains strong language and mature content.

Can't wait for you guys to read this one too!! Alright see you there :)

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