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"Oh my god, I am so happy for you, MJ. I can't believe Peter is your first crush!!"

"What the..."


"Are you fucking kidding me?" I exclaimed.

"Hey....Mind your tongue."

"I am just worried and disgusted....ugh....I hate myself, why do I have a crush on him? Dad had warned me not to get attached with anybody. How can I be so irresponsible? I fucked up real bad. Oh God. I hope it doesn't mess with my mission. Do anything MARIA HILL. SAVE ME FROM THIS APOCALYPSE!!"

"Hey...calm down, you're overreacting it's just your first crush. And crushes don't last long. It's not gonna last long. You will get over it before you even know it. Just focus on your mission. Focus how you wanna prove yourself to your dad and it will all be over before anything else happens and then you will find another boy and then fall in love with him and then you'll live happily ever after." She ended her speech with a dreamy smile.

"Yeah...yeah I get it. You didn't have to go that far. Now I am officially disgusted" I make a please-stop-talking-or-i-will-throw-up-on-you face.

"Okay, Fine. I'll shut up now."

Next Day
At school
Peter's POV

I get out of my bus and walk over to my locker not at all bothering about Ned or MJ.

I was thinking about MJ after yesterday that I didn't even realise she was in front of me until she bumped into me.

After yesterday I have been trying to figure out who she really is, because after yesterday I am damn sure that she doesn't take normal trainings of some martial arts.

But I can't just ask her directly because I wasn't there at that time, Spider-Man was.

"Hey, Peter. Answer me" she shouted at me.

"Calm down, why are you shouting?"

"Because you aren't answering my questions"

"Oh sorry. What was the question again?"

"I was asking, since I don't know much around this new neighbourhood.....maybe-i-if you'll show me around? If you don't mind--" She asked nervously.

"YES!" I nearly shouted with a voice crack.

Look, though I have doubts about her hiding secrets, I still really like her. And maybe she didn't tell anything to us because she hasn't trusted any of us yet. So, I don't think there's any problem in going out with her. Right?

"So, on Sunday at three?" She asked with a smile.

"Yeah, I will pick you up from your house then we can go around."

"Sounds Great" She smiled and we went to our class together.

In a dark room at the opposite side of city.
Third Person's POV

A huge bulking figure appears from the shadows with a picture in his hand which seems to be of a boy of age 17 or 18 years, and sits on a chair which is in the middle of the room which is surrounded by army of huge men, some of them having old scars

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A huge bulking figure appears from the shadows with a picture in his hand which seems to be of a boy of age 17 or 18 years, and sits on a chair which is in the middle of the room which is surrounded by army of huge men, some of them having old scars. But even that daunting army seems much timid in front of the person sitting on the chair.

"Did you find her?" The person on the chair asks, more like growls in his deep, blood-curdling, hair-raising voice.

"Sir,a figure like hers has been spotted in a school. But we have doubts she is really her." A deep voice says, but not as scary as the man on the chair.

"SHE IS A SPY GODDAMMIT. SHE CHANGES HER IDENTITY DAY TO DAY."  The man  on the chair stands up with force which makes the chair fall on the ground and the man giving out informations contort and shiver along with the intimidating army of bad guys.

"S-S-Sorry S-sir"

"Don't say sorry. It depicts weakness. Just show me what have you found." He said suddenly changing his mood from angry to calm which is as equally frightening as him shouting.

Then another man hands him the tablet and the video of Spider-Man and MJ starts playing on the screen.
MJ kicked one man on the gut and snapped the second man's hand and hit the third man with the second man as her weapon. The second and third man then fell away and the first man then rise up with a knife but his knife was stopped mid-air by MJ and she took his knife and stabbed him in his stomach.

"She is definitely her" A sinister smile spreads upon his lips.
"START WORKING ON THE PLAN" He shouts loudly so that every men in the room, which were over 500, could hear him and then he went back into the shadows from where he came from.


A/N- Hey guys, sorry for late update. I have got a lot on my plate currently, but still I'll try to be regular. Thanks for your views and support. And I have nothing else to say, I am just feeling really sorry for late updates but I promise I'll do my best for regular updates.❤

And please, please, PLEASE, tell me how are you liking the book. And kindly point out my mistakes so that I can improve.😊

And lastly but not leastly, have a great week and lots of love to you....❤❤

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