Is this a Date?

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2:40 pm

I was texting Maria about my so called date, which Maria had told me to plan so that I could find the truth, when suddenly I heard a knock on the door. Who could that be? I had asked Peter to be here at 3, there's still 20 minutes.

I grabbed 'lipstick' from my pocket which was actually a taser, and tiptoed to the door. I looked through the peep hole, but saw nobody outside.

I quietly opened the door and saw a piece of paper lying on the floor a few steps ahead.

I cautiously looked at the paper and picked it up.

Isn't it obvious? Turn around!

'Isn't it obvious?'? What would someone mean by that? Then I turned around, gripping the taser in my hand and getting ready for a fight.

I jerked around and hit the person with the taser on the neck.

But before my taser could touch the surface of the intruder's neck, he grabbed my wrist tightly and blocked the attack. Okay, he's inhumanly  strong, coz my wrist is hurting.

"Woah, calm down. It's just me." A rather familiar voice said.

"Peter?" I said as I looked at the person holding my hand.

"Yeah. Anybody else you were expecting?" He said letting go of my hand.
"By the way, were you gonna kill me with a lipstick?" He raised an eyebrow towards the taser.

"I just panicked. Okay? I thought there was an intruder.
And By the way, who comes this early for a date?"

"Okay. Sorry. My fault." He raised both of his hands in surrender.
"Wait did you just said--I mean, i-is this a date?"

"Maybe?" I said looking at the floor and trying to hide my blush. Mj control yourself. This is for the misson!
"But you didn't tell why you were this early. And did you write that note? What does it mean?"

"I am early because.....I h-had some work to do around here, b-but it got over soon so I decided to come here directly." Peter said. I could sense by his face that he was lying, but I decided to shrug it off as I saw him blushing. (And I started blushing too)

"And..uh..Yea-yes...that note was written by me. I had just wrote it to surprise you, means nothing in particular." He said looking down at his feet.

"Oh. Okay. you wanna show me around or..." I waved my hand in air pointing towards the neighbourhood.

"Yes" He cleared his throat."Let's go."

I nodded and started following him. Then I, for the first time today, noticed him properly. He was wearing a white T-shirt and jeans with converse and his curls looked like they were set but still were messed up. I don't think that makes sense but, you get the drift. But in short he just looked perfect.

Peter's POV

I woke up in the morning as soon as the sunlight sneaked its way from the window.
Today's Sunday. Which means I have to meet MJ.
I got off my bed, excited for today's meeting, I went to May and asked for her permission.

"Sure, Honey. You can go on your date." She answered to my question.

"May! This is not a date!" I whined.

"But you want it to be, don't you?" She smirked.

"I-I mean, wouldn't be... bad to go on a date.....with MJ. But it isn't one today!"

"But can be? Right?"

"Ugh" I groaned at her teasing. But deep down, I had hoped it to be a date. But either way, I'm happy, because I get to spend my weekend with MJ.

I got ready as fast as I could and checked the time.
2.20 pm.
There's still 40 minutes left! Time is a bitch! It would just freeze whenever you want it to pass.

I got up from my bed and went to MJ'S. I couldn't wait, I just wanted to see her.

I reached at her house 15 minutes later. It was only 2.35 now, so I planned to surprise her. And she indeed got surprised, thought of me as a intruder and tried to attack me with a....lipstick? But suddenly my Spidey sense alerted me and I grabbed her wrist before she could do anything dangerous with that lipstick. Seriously Spidey sense? How hurt someone could get with a lipstick?

"By the way, were you gonna kill me with a lipstick?" I asked her

"I just panicked. Okay? I thought there was an intruder.
And By the way, who comes this early for a date?"

"Okay. Sorry. My fault." I raised both of my hands in surrender. And then I realised. Did she just said Date?
"Wait did you just said--I mean, i-is this a date?" I stuttered nervously.

"Maybe?" She answered and started staring at her shoes. I was still processing this situation when she cut me and asked another question.
"But you didn't tell why you were this early. And did you write that note? What does it mean?"

I tried to think of an answer to that question. After all, I couldn't just tell her I wanted to see her as fast as I could. That would just be creepy. So I answered
"I am early because.....I h-had some work to do around here, b-but it got over soon so I decided to come here directly."
"And..uh..Yea-yes...that note was written by me. I had just wrote it to surprise you, means nothing in particular." I said looking down at my  feet.

"Oh. Okay. you wanna show me around or..." She waved my hand in air pointing towards the neighbourhood.

"Yes" I cleared my throat."Let's go."

And with that, we started off for our date.

We were walking together as I sneaked a look at MJ. Her curly hair blew as she walked beside me, her facial features glimmering with the sunlight. She just looked perfect.

"So where do you wanna go first" I asked.

"Umm... I don't know. I thought you were showing me around."

"Yeah. I know that. I meant what do you wanna see first?" I giggled a little.

"I am not sure......I don't know much about my new neighbourhood" she said emphasising on the word NEW.

"Okay. I think I know the perfect place. Come with me." I said excitedly. I knew one place that she'd love (I hope).

I started walking towards the destination with MJ walking behind me.

Soon we reached the destination. MJ looked at me, confused and raised one  eyebrow.

"Umm.... what are we doing here?" She pointed towards the empty elevator leading us to our stop.


The elevator came to halt and its door opened. I then got out of the door and rang the bell.

MJ glanced at me and then to the door in confusion.

Soon the door opened to reaveal..........


A/n- I just wanna say Thank you to everyone for the support. I really appreciate your votes and comments and that's what makes me want to keep writing more. I am really glad that you guys are liking my book. Keep suupporting and Lots of love to everybody. Have a great week!!❤❤❤❤




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