The Walk Back To Home

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I am currently sitting in my Chemistry class and concentrating, not on the subject but the people who surround me, in the hope that I could find any clues about Spider-Man.
A part of me doesn't want this to end soon though. I have been liking this school and Ned is a good friend and.....Peter is really nice and cute.

And one more thing, I don't know, I have been getting this weird feeling in my stomach since I talked with Peter. I think I have any disease or something because this has never happened to me before. And it's weird because I'm not having any pain or weakness, I have been liking this feeling in my stomach. Now, I think I should really see a doctor.

Okay, now. Let's focus on the mission.
So, nothing seems suspicious so far. Students mingling and gossiping about their same teen stuff, about boyfriends, hook ups, kisses, crush, daily soaps and about drugs and bullying each other. You know, the 'general talks'.
No one seems to talk about Spider-Man or even say his name. So I keep looking, observing and eavesdropping on people.
I then move to gym as the bell rings, it was my P.E class. I saw Ned and Peter there. Ah..shit. I think my disease is getting worse because now I am also...blushing?!

"Hey, guys." I approach them ignoring my disease.

"Hey, Michelle, where were you?" Ned asked.

"Eh...I was just figuring out the infrastructure of the school." I replied nonchalantly.

"Hey, MJ" I froze when I heard a familiar voice say MJ. But how can this happen? Nobody could know who I really am. There's no chance. Was someone spying on me, another teenage spy?

"MJ?....MJ?.....Michelle Jones are you all right?!" Peter asked with worry clear on his face.

"Umm....yeah. What happened to me?"

"You dazed out into nowhere, what was that about?"

"Oh...that.....ummm....nothing....By the way, Can I ask you why'd you call me MJ"

"It's a nickname for you. You know as Michelle Jones initials are M and J"

"Oh, yeah, they are" Phew. That was close. But I think my disease is showing up because I can literally hear my heartbeat and I bet everyone here does and Oh crap I am blushing really hard right now. And the irony is I am liking this shit going on in my body and this shit only happens when I see Peter.

I go and sit in the corner of the gym so that I can observe everyone and hide my 'disease' from everyone.

I sit down and start observing. My eyes dart around the room and land on Peter almost involuntarily, and then at Ned.

I see Peter doing Crunches and Ned holding on his legs. Okay, Peter looks really good. Uhh... I mean, he is really good at it. In doing crunches not in looking good. I mean he looks good too but he isn't-- Ugh, you know what I mean.

But seriously he is suspiciously good at it. He isn't even sweating after doing like hundred crunches. My suspicion on him being Spider-Man is getting higher. No one else is that good at it, even that ripped boy with bulgy shoulder.
I think I should really pay attention to him and start coming closer, part of the plan.

2 hours later

Me, Peter and Ned were at the school gate along with other students from our bus when we got to know that our school bus had a breakdown and won't be able to drop us to our home today.

"Great, now we will have to walk back home. Isn't it exciting guys?" I exclaimed. (Note the sarcasm)

"I don't think we have other options, do we?" Peter said with disappointment.

"Hey, guys, cheer up. It's not that bad.'s bad.....but.....we could walk back home together. That way we will have fun too. Isn't it great?" Ned said. And I realised that this is indeed an opportunity to come closer to Peter and get to know his secrets.

"Yeah, it is a great idea. I am totally with Ned in this.
Peter, are you coming with us? Please don't say no." I asked Peter with pleading look.

"Yeah, ok, I-I will join you guys. But there's one problem." Peter said, his cheek turning to a shade of pink. Oh..No. He has the disease too--

"What is it Peter?" Ned interrupted my thoughts.

"What if our houses are o-on the opposite sides?" Peter said nervously.

"Peter, you do remember that we go by same bus. It's obvious that our house are on the same route"

"Oh-oh yeah. I-I didn't realise"

"Okay. So let's go before it's too late because I think we are already late since everybody else is gone." I said pointing around the now empty campus.

Then we started our journey. Peter was on my left and Ned was on my right and we started talking about how our day went.

As we were talking and walking, my hand brushed Peter's and my heart suddenly skipped a beat. I am sure Peter felt the same too because he retaliated really fast as I did and I saw his cheeks turning pink from the corner of my eyes. And to be honest my cheeks were also turning pink or maybe red.

Then soon I realised that we three were the only ones walking on the road and it was getting dark.

Peter's POV
We were walking back to our home and talking about our day, when suddenly my hand brushed with MJ.
My heart suddenly skipped a beat. I am sure MJ felt the same too because she retaliated really fast as I did and I saw her cheeks turning pink from the corner of my eyes. And to be honest my cheeks were also turning pink or maybe red.

I was enjoying this time with my crush when suddenly my Spidey sense warned me about something. Then I realised that we were alone on the road and no one else was there except me, MJ and Ned.

"Guys, I think I dropped my phone behind. I am going to go and get it" I tried to make a excuse to go and change into my suit, Spider Suit.

"Hey, we can come with you too" MJ asked. Aw.. she is so kind.

" am okay. I don't think I dropped too far away. You guys just wait here for two minutes" And with that I ran away and went into an alley so that they couldn't see me. I then changed into my suit at a lightning speed while my Spidey Sense kept warning me. Then I heard a scream. It was Ned.

I swung at that place when I saw six or seven people surrounding MJ and Ned and Ned was behind MJ as she was trying to protect him. Okay, this girl doesn't stop being great.

I then jumped between the baddies and my friends. I then started fighting them. I kicked one baddies' guts and stick the second baddy on the wall and then I stick the third on the ground. Then I saw one of them shouting out the word 'AGGREGATE', and suddenly more men started to join them. They were now 15-20 men surrounding us. I think I couldn't take them down on my own.

I sudenly felt my spidey sense and turned towards my left when I saw three men trying to attack MJ and Ned.
But before I could do something, MJ kicked one man on the gut and snapped the second man's hand and hit the third man with the second man as her weapon. The second and third man then fell away and the first man then rise up with a knife but his knife was stopped mid-air by MJ and she took his knife and stabbed him in his stomach. I highly doubt that she is some normal girl.

I then fought the other men while I saw MJ fighting the men too, from corner of my eyes. She is definitely hiding some secrets, which I gotta know.

A/N :Sorry guys for the late update. I had lost my internet connection that's why I haven't been able to update  But I am back on track now.

Thank you for reading.❤

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