I Am Sorry.

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One month later.

Peter and MJ have been dating and made their relationship official just after a week Flash became their friend.

It's been a really significant month for Peter as he realised his feelings, which had turned from just a simple crush to something genuine. MJ wasn't just some normal crush for Peter for she had become a significant part of his life and he trusted her with his everything, just like MJ had planned.

Peter had decided that he will tell her the real identity of Spider-Man and how much he loves her, which was undeserved because for MJ it was just her mission, or so she thought.

She herself was confused by the jitters she gets whenever Peter is around and the sudden pain she gets in her chest when she thinks that this all will get over with her mission, in a day or two. She herself wasn't aware about the fact that she also cared about him and wouldn't hurt him even in the most horrific case.

She could fight the world to keep him safe, even if she herself got hurt.
But the problem was she wasn't aware.

Till now she thought he was just her crush like Maria had told and tried hard to get him out of her head, but she couldn't. How can she?
Peter wasn't in her head, he was in her heart.

But the command of Fury and rage to prove herself to be the best to her Dad had concealed everything else and she started to formulate the last part of her mission.

Two days ago, she had told Fury that she is 99% sure that Peter Parker is the real Spider-Man after spending time with him and getting herself into dangerous situations to analyse the similarities between him and Spider-Man and the dissimilarities between Peter and normal human.

The last fragment of the mission was to meet with Peter in a secluded area and tell him the truth that MJ's a spy and Fury wants to recruit Spider-Man in the Avengers. Everything else would be taken care by Fury himself.

MJ asked Peter and made a plan to go on a walk to an old park as she wanted to tell him something, to which Peter immediately agreed and they decided to meet in the evening.

MJ shared the whereabouts of their 'date' to Fury, but she had her doubts about this part of the mission.


I had packed all my stuff which I had gathered in this few weeks. Dad had told to pack my things before going to meet Peter because this will be the last day of the mission and I will have to clear this house after meeting with Parker.

I felt tears in my eyes as I put the last of my stuff in the box and closed it. I had got attached to this house in such short span of time, its almost unbelievable.

After an hour of making myself presentable, I locked the door and sat on the stairs of the porch. Not long after I saw Peter jogging towards me as his curls flailed and a sweet smile appeared on his lips.

"Hey, seems like I am late?" He asked me when he saw me sitting outside.

"Nah, this time I am early. Let's go?" I asked him as I stood up.

"Yeah. Umm....you look pretty by the way." He said.

"And therefore I have value?" I asked him just to see his flustered face. He looks really cute when he is caught off guard.

"N-no...no...that's not what I meant--"

"Calm down I was just messing with you." I chuckled.

"Oh. Erm.." He cleared his throat. "You know what let's just go, it's getting late."

45 minutes later
Peter's POV

Finally, the moment came. We both were walking together in this park where apparently not a single human was to be seen which triggered my senses.

MJs hand brushed with mine, which I grabbed and entwined together.

I stopped slowly and turned to face her which made her do the same.

This was the moment.

"MJ, I wanted to tell you something--" I started but my sentence was interrupted as MJ hugged me tightly. 

I hugged her back and heard her whisper a I am sorry, which would have been unperceivable to human ears, but thanks to my super senses!

She then pulled back from the hug and looked in my eyes intently. As our eyes got locked in each other, I felt my heart thumping in my chest and I felt this urge to kiss her. But before I could have done anything, MJ pulled me by the collar and connected our lips.

Though, we have been dating for like a month, this was the first time we kissed, and it was entrancing.

After a while, we pulled back and smiled at each other. But MJ looked down at her feet soon after and started to speak.

"Peter, I-I want to tell you something really important but before I tell you, please promise me that you will listen to the whole thing before reacting." She said looking at me and put her palm in front. I put my palm on top of hers and nodded.

But, suddenly I felt my spidey sense go wild. I felt the presence of an unknown person but looked around to find no one. I think it was a nice call to wear my suit inside.

"Peter, I am not M---" She had started before getting thrown back to the ground by an unknown force. My eyes went wide and I ran towards her as I screamed her name on top of my lungs. I turned back to look who shot her and found about ten to fifteen men but this time they seemed more trained and professional rather than the vicious thugs I have encountered before.

I tried to wake MJ up and helped her stand up. She hadn't passed out.

"Peter, let's get out of here. This isn't right."  She said and pulled me towards the gate of the park. But the troop started following us. The weird part was that they were running, but weren't catching us even if they were able to.

We got out of the gate and were about to run before one of the men hit the wall on the right and it came collapsing down. It'd have fallen on MJ, had not I pulled her back. She started to say that they should get out of here before I grabbed her face and put a palm on her mouth to shut her up.

"MJ, look. We won't be able to run from them. But I am able to take them down, they are not much in number."
I said but she shook her head, kept mumbling and furrowed her eyebrows.
"Look, I know this is confusing but it's time that you know the truth and that's what I had to say back there that I am Spider-Man." I said and sighed but she just shook her head slowly and tears started to slid down her cheek. I removed my hand from her face and suddenly webbed the hand of the person who was about to shock me with a gun behind my back. I turned around to find a peculiar man with an eyepatch standing with the hand which I had just webbed and smirking towards me and nodded.

"Who are you? What do you---urgh" I felt the current run through my whole body as I felt something on the back of my neck. I turned around to find a crying MJ with a lipstick in her hand and she said.

"I am sorry, Peter."


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