The Avengers?

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Peter's POV

"Nice to meet you, Spider-Man" The pirate person said which made me panic and I stood up.

"Sorry, sir. But I think you are mistaken. I-I am n-not, I am not Spider-Man." I tried to cover up.

"No need to panic. I know you are Spider-Man. You don't need to lie." He said and walked closer to me extending his right hand forward.
"I am Nick Fury. Head of SHIELD. And I want you to join the Avengers initiative."
I raised an eyebrow. Well, that was straightforward!
He retreated his hand when I didn't respond and sat on a chair in front of me.

"It would be easier if we have a proper conversation about this." He said and indicated me to sit down. I did as I was told because he gave quite an intimidating look which could have scared the shit out of any person, like me.

He explained everything to me-about the Avengers, about how he knew about me and then wanted me to join the team and then he said that he sent a spy to find my identity.
"Wait, someone was spying on me the whole time? How did I not know? I should have known. Why did my Spidey sense didn't alert me?" I asked. More to myself.

"Yeah, she has been spying on you for a few weeks now and you might have not been alerted because she wasn't a danger for you and that's--"

"Wait, 'she'? Who was spying on me?"

"I can't disclose such information to an outsider but I can disclose it to our team member." He said with a smirk and raised eyebrows to which I gave a confused look, because I really was confused, after which he sighed and continued. "As I said before, The SHIELD is willing to take you in the Avengers initiative as The Spider-Man."

"But I can't--"

"Uh-uh. Let me complete." He interjected. "Look, you don't have to make this decision right now. I will give you two days to think about it and only after this time period you can tell us about your decision. Till then you will be under our watch."

"Okay, I-I'll ponder on it." I said to which he nodded.

"One more thing, this is highly confidential, so I expect you to keep this just between us. You are not supposed to let anybody and I mean anybody know about this. Or you'll be in trouble." He said and stood up to leave when one question hit me.

"Excuse me, Mr. Fury. I had to ask one last question." He tilted his head in approval to go on. "Do you know where's my girlfriend? The one who was with me when you found me--"

"The one who shot a taser at you?"

"Uhm. S-s-sorry what?"

"Yeah. She did. Honestly, I didn't thought that she would be your girlfriend the way she shot you without any hesitation. Now, I need to go, I have more important issues to look after. Will see you later young guy. Feel free to look around."

"But wait--" And before I could ask anything he left me. Alone. With my thoughts. I was having this feeling of betrayal earlier but now I know why. But why would MJ do this, I thought she loved me. But she didn't. She lied to me. It was just me who loved her.

I opened the door, after few minutes of emptying the tanks of tears, to a huge corridor with glass window on one of its sides, the side opposite to where I was standing and desks arranged around it. The corridor was full with people in professional clothing wafting around for business. I looked around to find any clue of where to go.
Only thing in my mind now was look for Mr. Fury, ask him where my girlfriend or fraud is, clear things up with her, ask her why she did what she did, get out of here and go home.

So I started looking around. I turned to my right and decided to walk in that direction. I went through the corridor looking in all directions, except one (I wasn't looking in the way I was walking) which caused me to be bumped into someone. The impact made me fall to the ground. Then, I looked up from my place to find a man looking down at me. The hole in his black Tshirt made me realise who I was standing (or sitting) in front of--                  

  Tony Stark.

"Hey, kid. You ok?" He asked extending his hand which I gladly accepted and stood up.

"Y-you are Iron man." I was starstruck.

"Yes, I am Iron Man." He said and smiled. "But, who are you? I have never seen you in here before."

"I am Peter. Peter Parker. Nick Fury brought me in here for recrui---Sorry I can't tell you." I almost spilled it.

"What? I knew Captain Hook recruited kids and you are the proof, so let's go and sue him. Does he even have a heart?" He said jokingly and dramatically which made me smile. "Never let that smile fade kid, these tears do no good to you." He said with a small smile while pointing at my face.

"Is it...that obvious?" I asked and touched my eyes to check if I still had tears.

"I mean, I can see those tear streaks and your eyes are puffed like a cheeseball, so...."

"Did you just--"

"Yeah, I did."

"Ok." I shrugged. "Can I request you something Mr. Tony--Iron---Mr.Stark?"

"Call me Tony. And of course you can, though I am not sure I will give my suit to you."

"No, No. I had to ask if you can take me to Mr. Fury's office, you know because this is quite a huge building and I don't know around?"

"Oh, of course I would love to help but I have somewhere to get to. But I am sure someone here can help you..." He said as he looked for someone. "Oh, she can." He said when he found someone. "HEY, MJ, GET HERE." He shouted to the girl and my eyes went wide. She was behind me hence, she could not see my face but then she came over and stood beside me. I was dumbfounded to see her. She was altogether a different person. She wasn't wearing her normal comfy clothes, rather she had a sophisticated outfit with tall heals and her hair was untied which made her curls cascade down her shoulders. I felt a sting in my eyes upon looking at her.
"This guy is lost around here and I have somewhere important to get to, so can you take him to Fury's office? Tony broke my chain of thoughts as he spoke to MJ.

"Yeah, of course, Tony." She said and smiled to him. I waited for a change of expression on her face when she looked at me but it never came and her face remained emotionless.

"Thank you, dear. Will see you around." He said and hugged her then turned towards me. "I like you little guy, hope to see you around too." He said and tapped on my shoulder then left.

I then turned towards MJ to talk to her but she cut me before I could utter a word.

"Let's go, shall we." She said and started to walk as if we never met each other ever in our lives. As if the last night or the last few weeks never happened. What is going on?

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