The party was getting boring, anyway.

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He was about to shoot me. I took a big gulp as I prepared myself for the impact and took a last glance at MJ.

"I am sorry!" She mouthed and I saw a tear cross her cheek.

And then he fired on chest!

I waited for the blow, but it never came. What came instead was the sound of metal banging on the other metal.

Captain America. With his shield, standing in front of me, obstructed the bullet to reach me.

Then all of a sudden the man who hit me was on the floor, dead. I looked at the source of this hit. Iron Man.

He was still in his tux, but his hand was covered with hand blasters . Cap was in his tux too, but with his shield in his hand.

Mr. Stark lowered his hand, from which he shot the Man, and said to the cluster of masked men, "Thank God you guys came, the party was getting boring, anyway!"

Then Cap said, smirking, "If you don't mind, we've got some company too!"

He moved aside from where he was covering me. And I started looking around upon hearing Cap's statement.

Then I saw everyone. Still in their formal attire but with their special weapons ready in their hands.

Thor with his Mjolnir. Hawkeye with his Bow and Arrow. Mr. Banner turned into Hulk (He was the only one not in formal attire). Black Widow with her combat skills and guns (One of which she passed to MJ). Wanda with magic flowing through her. Falcon with his red wing. Vision floating in air. Bucky with his metal arm clenched. Black Panther in his suit (Yes, the Black Panther suit). Rhodey also had his repulsor covering his hand. Dr. Strange with magic surrounding his hands.

[A/N- Comment the names if I missed anyone here. Or maybe tell your favourite ones so that I can put it in upcoming chapters. ]

Mr. Stark looked at me with concern and asked, "You Okay, kid?"

I nodded.
"Do you think we can fight them?"

"Ehhh...By the looks of it..." He scrunched his eyes as if to contemplate the possibility. "They're gonna regret crashing our party!"

He said and ran of to fight with them, with Mr. Steve on his side and others just behind him.

And then we all fought together and hoped for the backup to arrive soon.

Time Skip.

(Because I don't want to bore y'all with the lengthy fight scene, but if you want a fight scene, please comment. I will gladly upload it if you want.)

15 minutes later.

But I guess back up won't be arriving so soon.

We were still fighting together and helping each other smashing the guys into unconsciousness.

"Is anybody free? I'd really appreciate some help here!" I heard MJ shouting and doing her best to fight a few men simultaneously.

"Gotcha!" I said as swung and landed in between them. I kicked in the guts of the man who was right in front of while MJ grabbed the hands of another man and flipped him on the floor.

And that's when we heard another blast. Suddenly, smoke started filling the room and visibility dropped to zero.

"Everyone, be where you at! It's a smoke bomb!" Someone shouted.

But my Spidey sense was going crazy and my hand involuntarily aimed towards my right side and shoot the web. I pulled in hope that I caught one of those men.

I couldn't see what was I caught, so I touched it. But disappointment went through me as I brushed my fingertips on the hard wood of the chair.

Eventually the smoke receded and everything was back to how it was.
Well, not everything. Now the room was empty except only the Avengers standing on the place where they were fighting before.

"Damn it!" I heard MJ mutter.
"They are gone."


A/N- So this is just a filler. And I think it's crappy too. Ummm no...I am sure it's crappy. But as you may know or not, either way, let me tell you that I will be uploading two chapters of this book and two chapters of my other book-'Ex'phobia on 20th of April to try to make up for the long interval I took from writing.
And thank you guys alot for your support even though I behave like a procrastinating b**ch and not give you what you deserve.

I am really excited for what is about to come for petermj in this book though. I can only say that the story is going to go somewhere unexpected.
Also I would really appreciate if you gave 'Ex'phobia a try, it's really close to my heart as it is somewhat inspired from my own life. I am not sure if you'd like it or not, but it would just be enough for me if you atleast gave it a try.

And love to all of you for your support. Be safe. And also F*ck online classes.

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