When you put it like that.....

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Peter's POV
The rhythmic sound of footsteps were the only sound heard as we took a right turn in the corridor. The corridor was as silent as us- it was deafening. But, we both made somewhat like a silent pact to not violate this decorum. After all, the tension between us was so strong that if any of us spoke at this moment, I am pretty sure that their will be an ambulance and a whole medic team gathered in a matter of few minutes, or seconds.

And I am not exaggerating.

I know. Because I know I am angry. And I when I am angry, I have no control over my tongue, and if my tongue decides to say something it shouldn't have, then I know that MJ wouldn't have control over her fighting moves. Because she is like that--A total badass.

"This is Mr. Fury's office." MJ intervened my train of thoughts and pointed towards a door.

"Thanks" I nodded. "MJ, can I--" I was about to ask MJ about us but MJ had already walked away from me before I could have even started the conversation.

I was now alone in this corridor when I decided to go and talk to Mr. Fury. I calmed down my nerves with a sigh and went in the office to find it empty with darkness, the only thing visible, settled in the room.

I looked around to find a source of light but ended up being hit by a rigid object. I certained myself that it is better to not move in this pitch dark room and use my Spidey-Sense to sense any danger. I closed my eyes to focus on nothing and after a few seconds felt a presence of another person when suddenly the lights turned on.

"Spider-Man! You trynna' spy on me?" I turned my head and found Mr. Fury sitting on a chair.

"And you trynna' save electricity, I see." I said while looking around the room. "Where'd you come from?"

"When was I gone?" He said which made my face scrunch up in confusion. "What's the matter? I don't have leisure time to waste."

I nodded, gulped nothing and nervously or more awkwardly started. "What....is....MJ-Michelle. What is she doing here and acting like a stranger to me?"

"Oh. I haven't told you?" I shook my head. "Well, then. She's acting like a stranger because what else would one do when they betray someone who loves her more than their life?"

"What do you mean?" I tensed up. Lines on my forehead and my clenched hand becoming the obvious signs.

"She never loved you, Peter ; atleast not like you did. My spy, who I had sent for you had also been keeping an eye on your girlfriend and found out many things about her which she had hid from you. Like, she is trained in martial arts, or she wanted to join SHIELD. That day when I had come after you, my plan wasn't to shock or tase you, but your girlfriend did it, and then came to me and said that she knew our plan all along--to find Spider-Man's real identity, and she also had the information beforehand that Spider-Man is in your school. That's why she thought of it as the opportunity to get in SHIELD, she came to midtown high and when we rounded you up, she somehow knew you were gonna attack me, and at the right moment she electrocuted you and wanted in. And here, in SHIELD, we don't let the eligible go away because at this moment we need as much as possible."

"So you mean to say she never had any feelings for me." A tear sneaked out of my eyes as I said those words with a crack in my voice and my heart  sinked in my chest, deep, so deep that one cannot even be able to perceive its existence. I felt sad, yes. But what else I felt was-anger. I was angry that she lied to me when only thing I wanted for her was to be happy, but she was here only for herself, not thinking about the consequences or others feelings.

"Maybe. Maybe not." He said and took a sigh. Before standing up and putting a hand on shoulder. "Look, Peter. At this moment and in the coming future, the earth is in grave danger. The outside threats are gonna cease the existence of every living creature. I know this, that's why I started the Avengers initiative at the first place. But now, those Avengers also need help. Heck, they are strong, but that's not enough to fight the strongest. So, we need as much help as possible to be prepared for the war-whether of present or of the future.
I know you are heartbroken. I know you that girl is important to you. But you gotta understand that not everyone gets the power that you possess. And You are chosen to protect them with your powers. So, decide what's more important--one girl or the whole world."

"Well, When you put it like that..." I clenched my fists and jaw, wiped my tears and made my decision.
"I'm in."

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