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Peter's POV

"Are you sure, kid? Because this isn't some random decision. It's a big commitment and you should take your time to think about it first."

"I am hundred percent sure. I have considered everything and I don't need to waste anymore time to think. I want in today or I don't want it at all. Choice is yours now."

"I-Well then, go get rest Parker." He sighed and said to which I shook my head in disagreement and was about to turn back and go home to never return to this place again before he continued.
"Because, you have a party to attend in the evening. And I hope you want to look good in front of The Avengers."  My jaw hung low on my face and the rest of my face contorted to showcase the big surprise that I just encountered.

*Few hours later*
At Party.

Ugh...this suit is so uncomfortable, like ten times more uncomfortable than spidey I even look good? I swear whoever made the rule to wear suits to a high class party, must be having some evil intentions.


The elevator chimed to indicate my stop.
As soon as I stepped out of the elevator, I saw a huge room in front of me, decorated lavishly with curtains and lights, while many men and women roamed around with drinks in their hand.

I took a deep breath in to compose myself and stepped forward to explore the party.

"I am glad that Spider-Man has dressing sense!" I whipped my head back to the source of voice and found Mr. Fury standing there in his usual clothes.

"Looking at you, now I think I overdid it." I muttered to which he raised his one eyebrow. "I meant 'Thank you'." I fake smiled.

"Follow me." He abruptly said and started to walk. I got confused for a second but then I did what I was told.

He led me to a group of people sitting together on the couches, which were put together in a circle, whom I didn't recognised. But as I came closer, I recognised Mr. Stark sitting there and then immediately realised that they were the Avengers in formal attires. I had usually seen them fighting with the villains, so watching them sitting together, drinking and catching up with each other was weird.

"Can I have your attention, Avengers?" Mr. Fury announced as he went inside the circle and stood in the middle, pointing me to wait till he tells everyone.

"Can't you just let us party peacefully, Captain Hook?" Mr. Stark said getting a little frustrated. "This is the third time you interrupted our conversation, do you realise that?"
After Mr. Stark said this, all the Avengers went quite as Mr. Fury stared at Mr. Stark for a moment.

"I would like to introduce you all to the reason of this party and the newest members of The Avengers."
Mr. Fury said. Wait, Member's'?

I looked around me to see if someone else was also there but couldn't find anyone.

"Welcome the first new member..." Mr. Fury created a little suspense among the Avengers, but I took it as a cue.
I was about to walk forward in the circle to introduce myself before...

Suddenly a figure popped up near Mr. Fury, and made everyone twitch.

"What the Fuck?" Mr. Captain America said loudly while clutching his chest.

"Woah...Steve. You know it's not nice to say those words." Miss Black Widow said.

"Not now, Nat. Not now!" Mr. Captain America said with a sigh.

"I-I am so sorry guys, but it was Mr. Nick's idea! He asked me to showcase my powers and I can't say no to my boss." The Ant-Man said. Everybody smiled towards Ant-Man politely but glared at Mr. Fury but he ignored and proceeded.
"I have one more member to introduce. Everybody, meet Spider-Man!" As soon as heard my nane, I did one flip and landed in between the circle with the famous Spider-Man pose.

"Hey, kid! You don't do that around someone who has heart problems!" Mr. Srark exclaimed loudly while clutching his heart.

"I am so so-sorry! I thought it would've been cool if I did a superhero entry. But I am sorry if it
hurt any of you. I didn't mean to."

"Wait, Fury! You recruited a kid? How can you recruit a kid?" Mr. Captain America said while standing up and walking towards Mr. Fury.

"Listen, Steve. Only thing that matters is his capablility. Don't go on his age, he is more than what he may seem."

"It's not about capability. I am sure that he is totally capable, I am not criticising him. But he is too young, how can you put his life at danger by recruiting him here? He has his whole life infront of him to live! You can't just take it away from him!" Mr. Captain America argued.

"As I say everytime, life of billions you don't know, is more important than the life of one you love.
These two are part of the Avengers now, whether you agree or not. It's upto you now how you treat them." And with that Mr. Fury exited from there and disappeared in the crowd.

After Mr. Fury left, the silence cascaded around the group. After a moment, Mr. Stark walked towards Mr. Captain America, stared in his eyes and nodded. Then they both turned towards us, I glanced at Ant-Man and he reciprocated it when they both smiled towards us and said together-

"Welcome to the Avengers!"

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