Badass Aunt

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The chapter is NOT edited.

"We just have to look for these two guys!" Tony pointed to the picture of two men that he retrieved from the footage, to his team.

"Who are they?" Steve asked.

"Members of that boy band." Tony replied. "This guy doesn't have leg. And the other looks like...he is totally fit."

"But didn't we kill them at the party?" Sam asked.

"We killed many of their people, but not them. They escaped as soon as their work was done." Tony explained.

"We need to get them!" Steve declared.

"But how?" Clint asked.

"We should scan the CCTV footage of the city." Bruce stepped up. "Then we can match the pictures. It's pretty easy actually." He tapped on the screen, around which they were circled around.

"Let's get to work then!" Natasha smirked as they planned out the execution.


"In position! The prosthetic leg has left the building." Bucky said in the earpiece.

"Everyone's at the position! Remember, no attacks until emergency. We just have to follow him." Steve explained.

"He is in front of me!" Wanda whispered in the earpiece.

"You know what to do, girl!" Natasha said.

Wanda started walking towards the man and beckoned him.
"Excuse me! Can you help me? I need to find this address!" She showed him a piece of paper. As soon as the man tilted his head to read, Wanda moved her hand towards his head,  making sure nobody noticed.  She directed the red flame that engulfed her hand into his brain and put the piece of paper in his front pocket.

The man's eyes turned red, the same colour of the magic and he mindlessly started walking towards a specific direction on the roads of Brooklyn.

"Let's follow him." Wanda said in her earpiece and started walking behind him at a safe distance.

After walking for twenty minutes, ducking through alleyways, and taking left and right turns, Wanda's jaw dropped with shock at the sight of the building the man brought her to.

"Guys? Can you see this?" She said in the earpiece.

"This place? Are you sure that this is the right place?" Steve said.

"His brain led us here! I am sure we are at the right place!" Wanda said. "Should I go in?"

"No, wait! That would be dangerous!"

"Dangerous? We have been in there and searched the place before! And we found nothing." Wanda sighed. "Also, I have powers and I know how to use it, Steve."

"But..." Steve sighed. "Fine, but the backup's on their way."

"She won't need it, Steve!" Wanda heard a voice in her earpiece, which also echoed from behind her.

"Natasha? What are you doing there? I thought you were with Sam!" Steve panicked.

"Calm down, Steve! We are in for a show!" Sam said in the earpiece.

Natasha pulled out her gun and said, "Let's show these dogs; they messed up with the wrong girl."

Wanda smirked as she flourished her hands with red flame. "I don't think they knew about her badass aunt before!" She pointed to Natasha.

"Or her killer sis!" Nat shrugged and started following the man into the abandoned plant.


A/N- Damnn! I thought this chapter would atleast reach 700 words.
Anyways, I  will update the next part in a day or two.

Also, I know you don't even read the thank you notes, so while keeping it short and sweet.
Thank you guys for the support and all. You guys are the best!  🤗


(Wtf emojis are italicised too?)

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