He made me do

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I stood there with my mouth shut, unable to answer her question because I, myself wasn't aware why I was angry at that guy.
"I am exhausted. I just need a shower!" I finally muttered and took my luggage to the bedroom ignoring an annoyed MJ staring me all the while.

After we both took our showers and freshened up, I finally decided that it was time to have a serious conversation and acknowledge the elephant in the room if we want to spend this month peacefully.

So, as I set down my sandwich, our supposedly lunch, on the two-seater dining table and sat face-to-face with MJ who was eating her own sandwich, I said, "I think we need to talk if we want to actually live together!"

"Can I at least have my food?" She blinked once and I agreed with her which I wouldn't have if I wasn't hungry too!

After having our sandwiches, we sat on the table for a solid minute, both of us trying to find words to spark the much awaited conversation.

"So, you never really had any...feelings for me?" I put on a stern face to hide all the feelings and thoughts I was having in my mind.

"I never intended to have feelings!" She said as she leaned and put her hands on the table, observing me. " I was just doing my job, my mission!"

"Right. This was all just a 'mission'. You never really cared about anyone. The only thing you cared was SHIELD, so congrats you made it. You're in SHIELD now, not to mention also in danger!" I said as I mimicked her and leaned and the table.

"Yeah, I actually do only care about SHIELD, but what do you mean I finally made it and  I am in SHIELD now?" She asked with a confused looking face.

"Playing innocent? Well, it won't work MJ, because I know everything, Mr. Fury told me everything!" I looked in her eyes to find something, but confusion wasn't it.

"What are you talking about?" She asked with uncertainty.

"I am talking about your god damn plan! Fury told me. He told me. How you used me, became friends with me and then dated me, because you knew I am Spider-Man and I would help you get into SHIELD. And how that night you gave me that...that electric shock and finally met Mr. Fury and got in to SHIELD." My voice was now nowhere near to calm. I was standing and fighting my tears.

"What!? That's just bullshit!" MJ also stood up.

"Yeah, MJ that's just bullshit what you di-- "

"No, Peter! I never did that! I never could--"

"Atleast don't lie--"

"NO! That's because Nick Fury is my father! And I have been in SHIELD for two years. And I was given a mission to spy on you so that I can find Spider-Man's true identity and recruit him in Avengers!"

"What!?" I had never been truly and utterly speechless like this before! It felt like a slap on my face,which to be honest I needed.

"Yes, Peter!"

"Then..why did you ignore me all the time?"

"I...I just...I don't know! I felt...guilty and something....this feeling which I can't describe. And then whatever Dad said...I just thought it was better that way!" She hung her head low

"But...Mr. Fury told me...why'd he do that?" I looked into her glistened eyes.

"I don't know, Peter! Maybe he did it because..." she let out a weak breath. I waited for her to continue but she didn't.

"I don't understand it. I mean I get it that our relationship was fake, but why did he tell me that made up story?"

"He might have done for the best. He knows what's best!" She muttered.

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