!!A Big Thank you!!

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An Enormous THANK YOU to all the readers for 1.01k views. I can't believe over 1000 people have read this book (it's unbelievable....me shooketh).
Thanks to y'all for your immeasurable love and support to this book. I am really glad that you guys liked my writing rather than criticising it (honestly I've met many people in person who read my work and immediately starts lecturing me--"you should've wrote this not that", "your writing style is kinda stupid" and all that, which quiet demotivate me.). But You guys are the best.
And I also wanna apologise for irregular updates but I am trying to give my best work to you along with juggling with my studies and all that typical dramas of life. But I promise that I will try my best for regular updates and once again thanks for the support and love and....I can't find any more words to thank you guys....I truly mean everything I am writing and more....and I would love if you guys continue to read this book and my other book (We Are Besties). Love y'all.


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