The Baby.

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The chapter is unedited.


I have decided to name the weird feeling that's been happening in my stomach as 'fireflies'.

So, these fireflies doesn't know how to calm themselves down and I have no control over them whatsoever. Also, one of the reasons I call them fireflies is because whenever they come, I feel this type of warmth in my body, like there's fire burning in the pit of my stomach and a small glow radiates off me just like how fireflies glow.

Though my cheeks hurt like somebody's been pinching them continuously, all because of blushing, overall, I feel great and crave for more of this feeling.

" should we do today?" Peter asked as we sat down for the breakfast.

"I will check the guide and see what we can explore today, but first, breakfast." I smiled and we both started to feast on the readymade 'meal'.

But one cannot just sit on the table and eat peacefully, can they?

"I will get that." Peter noticed the agitation on my face and went on to pick up the telephone that's been ringing.

"Hello?" Peter asked and I heard some mumblings on the other side.

"Sorry? What?" Peter's face morphed with confusion and the person said something again.

"Baby beckons me for attention?" What do you mean? I don't have--" Peter was even more confused. But I ran towards the telephone as soon as I heard the secret code, and snatched it from his hand.

"The aunt is here! What's the matter?" I speak in the phone, catching my breath.

"You need to stop the conversation with the mother and check the baby. He has been crying for long." The voice on the phone said, which I recognised to be of Beckett.

"Don't worry, the aunt will take care of the baby." I reply to the message and cut the line, as a sigh of relief escape from my mouth.

"MJ? What was that? And what baby? You never told me you have any siblings." Peter rambled on.

"I will tell you everything, but first I need to take care of the baby." I ignored the million questions thrown at me and went to pick up the SERC.

"Agent Mary Jane, reporting through SERC at 9.45 AM sharp." I clicked on the glowing button and said immediately, when I saw Tony's holographic image appear in front of me.

"MJ, darling! How many times should I have to tell you; that's not how you greet your uncle! I have a weak heart for God's sake, and those type of sudden outbreaks does no good!" He clutched his chest dramatically, and a smile formed on my lips.

To be honest, I did that on purpose. Just to see him all scared, annoyed and flustered.

"Is there any emergency?" I asked, getting serious.

"Woah. Rude." I heard Tony say. But I also heard Peter whisper the same thing at the same time, who, I forgot, was standing just behind me.

"But, no. There's no emergency, in case you are worried! I was just checking up on you guys." He smiled but then diverted his eyes at Peter. "Hey, kid! How you doin?"

"Oh" Peter looked stunned by the acknowledgement. "Hey," Peter awkwardly waved his hands. "Hello, Mr. Stark! I am great!....shit, I mean, it's going great; not that I am great"

"Atleast, somebody knows how to greet people!" He gave me a look and smiled at Peter. "How's the holiday going, Peter? Is MJ bothering you?"

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