So, what's on agenda, today?

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"How much more time do you need?" Peter shouted from outside the door.

"I have long hair, stupid. It's not easy!" I said being annoyed from shampooing my hair for the fifth time and making no progress in removing the sand.

"Well, I have sand on my whole body too. It's not easy either!" He shouted back.

"Couldn't you have found another place to sleep other than the literal sand bed?"
Sand still poured from my hair, so I squeezed the shampoo bottle yet again.

"Well, I never asked you to join me there!" I couldn't think a reply to that and as if sensing the awkwardness, he continued, "Shit! Who's gonna clean this place? It looks like a sandbox in here!"

"Is that even a question? Of course you!" I smirked then realised he couldn't see me from in here.

"Why me?" I could sense a little panic in his voice.

"You slept on the beach first." I answered. So, last night we both fell asleep on the beach and when we both woke up, we found ourselves wrapped up in sand. Now, here we are, after I won the race to the shower.

"Hey, that's not fair! You slept there too. We both are equally involved in this!"

"Okay, loser. I will slightly help you in cleaning up!" I focused on the word 'slightly' and smiled to the fact that Peter wasn't behaving how I expected him to be, after yesterday's conversation.

Well, that is until we both sat together for breakfast.

"I...uh...I was thinking we could go out somewhere today? You know, explore!"

"Mm hmm?" He focused on his breakfast.

"Yeah...Yeah. We can check out the guide and then find somewhere to go..." I sighed when I saw him not paying attention to me. "Are you still upset?"

"Why would I be upset?" He said blankly while putting a piece of pancake in his mouth.

"Because of...yesterday?"

"A little bit." He shrugged. "You know, it's not everyday someone reminds me about my... dead parents, right?"

"Look, I am sorry. I really am. I regret what I said yesterday and I just wish, If I could just take it back. But as much as I want to do that, we both know we can't go back in time. So, let's just try not dwell on it. Please." I sincerely said.

"I guess you are right. Though I don't know if it's that easy. But I can try."

"That's all I ask." I smiled.

"So, what's on agenda today?" He plastered a forced smile.


"Do we have any leads?" Tony entered as he played with the metal gadget in his hand.

"We are looking at the weapons used at the party for any clues." Natasha said.

"And the dead bodies are also being searched." Bruce pointed.

"Let's see what we can get!" He flipped the gadget on the table and everybody circled around the hologram.

"So the weapons used looks like they're made in this country itself." Tony pointed at the holographic picture of the guns and bombs that were used by the Men.

"What makes you say that?" Steve asked.

"Look at that." Tony disassembled the weapons on the hologram, "Amount of concentration of U-235, an isotope of Uranium. It is used to make nuclear weapons. A private enrichment plant was being set up in this country in 2012, but was put on hold by the Government. Some of the plans were sent to the Stark industries back in the year, but when the construction stopped, all the plans were burnt down. There are no plants in the country now, no weapons like that are made anywhere, atleast that's what everyone thinks. Looking at these I don't think if there's no plant."

"Where was this plant?" Bruce asked.

Tony looks at each Avengers one by one.



"What the hell is this place?" Clint announced, gaping at the abandoned building which stood between the eeriness like a crown.

"Oh. Are you scared?" Sam joked but he himself had the same expression as Clint. In fact, everyone was gaping at the spine-chilling creation.

"Don't act as if you aren't, Sam!" Bucky stated to which Sam replied by showing off his longest finger on his hand.

"Let's get in!" Tony ordered.

And without any further debate, they stepped in. Everybody was on edge because of the eldritch environment surrounding them, but nobody willed to turn back, for their curiosity to find the personnel who menaced the party and compelled their trainees to leave the country, had the best of them.

 Everybody was on edge because of the eldritch environment surrounding them, but nobody willed to turn back, for their curiosity to find the personnel who menaced the party and compelled their trainees to leave the country, had the best of them

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A/N- Sorry for such short chapter but, I just lost my track for a while there lmao. But I am sure I will update properly from now on, I hope. Also, my procrastinating ass wouldn't allow me to edit lol.

Also check out a new fanfiction, Subterfuge. First chapter is already out.

A little description about my new book-
Tom Holland Fanfic.

• Genre- Obviously, Romantic-Comedy

•First chapter out now, so go on and give it a try.

That's just all, if you want to know more about the book...READ THE NEW BOOK, WHY ARE YOU STILL READING THE AUTHOR'S NOTE?!?!?

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