Who in the world...

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The chapter is unedited.


I was having a peaceful sleep until I felt some bright light surrounding me. The light was so bright that it even passed throught my eyelids. It was getting so irritating that I finally opened my eyes to look for the source of luminance.

The first thing I saw was the radiant sun above my head and the blue sky in the background.

Damn it. I slept on the beach again!

"How the hell am I even able to sleep so peacefully in sand?" I thought.

The question wasn't too hard because I immediately found the answer lying next to me with his hand placed across my stomach while his other hand served as a pillow.

I smiled as a glimpse of last night crossed my mind.

But before I got too deep into the thought, I heard the raspy voice, "Ugh, who turned the lights on?"

"I guess, God?" I replied and sat up when he removed his hands to rub his eyes.

"Shit! We slept on the beach again?!" He stretched and sat up.

"My thoughts, exactly." I looked at him.  "You know what this means, right?"  He was still foggy from the sleep, so I dropped the bomb.

"A race to the shower!" And started to run towards our cottage.

"Hey! That's cheating!" I heard him behind me, "I wasn't ready!"

"Sucks to be you, Peter!" I shouted as I entered the cottage. I immediately went inside the shower and shut the door.

"MJ! That's not fair." I heard him enter the house.

"Haven't you heard that quote, Peter? 'Everything is fair when you have sand all over your body'!"

"You just made that up! MJ, please let me have the shower first!" He started knocking on the door. "Michelle Jones, are you even listening?"

"First of all, my name is Mary Jane! Secondly, that's not gonna happen."

"But Michelle Jones suits you more. Plus, you take alot of time in the shower! Please let me in first, I will be quick. Then you can have the shower for the whole day, I wouldn't disturb you, I promise!"



And then I opened the door to let him in.


"Hey, Ned?" Flash tapped on Ned's shoulder as he sat beside him in the school cafeteria.

"Hey, Flash! I didn't see you yesterday!"

"Yeah. Had to take a leave. I fell from the stairs. Why're you alone, though? Where's Peter and MJ?" Flash asked.

"Oh, he called me yesterday, saying something about not coming to school for about a month because he had to go for some training programme for his Stark internship. How did you fell from stairs." Ned diverted from the topic.

"I just slipped and since nobody was at home, I had to do my first aid by myself."

"I am so sorry! Are you okay, now?"

"Yeah. But first of all did you say Stark internship? As in the Tony Stark?!" Flash said with amusement.

"I guess so." Ned just shrugged.

"Oh My God." Flash let out a breath. "Where's MJ, though?"

"MJ is....Wait, I actually don't know where she is."

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