Some 'work' to do

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Peter's POV
I hugged May tightly before getting in the car.

"Love you, May!" I muttered as I tried not to be too emotional.

"Love you too, Pete. And be safe you two!" She warned me and MJ who was inside the car but came out when she saw May. "If anything happens to either of you, I am gonna kill your Mr. Stark." We chuckled.

"Don't worry May, nothing will happen to us there!" She said and abruptly hugged her after a moment, which surprised me.

"Have you put the luggage properly?" May asked after the hug.

"Yeah, May everything's in the trunk!" I replied.

"And what about your backpack?" She pointed to the bag on my shoulder.

"Oh. This. I'll just keep it with me." I said considering that it contained Spider-Man equipment.

"Umm...we should probably go, it's time!" MJ said. She was being nice and actually talking, not ignoring.

"Yeah, let's go!" I smiled at her and she smiled back which made some tingling sensation in my stomach. "Bye, May!" I hugged her and we went on for the airport.

MJ spent her ride to airport while listening to music and barely giving any chance for a conversation.

We reached the airport and boarded our flight to Europe.
The flight was not as quiet as the car drive because I entertained myself with movies, songs and some conversations with people around me since we and MJ had our seats away from each other.

But from Europe we had to take the private jet, so I thought we would get to talk.

Or not.

Apparently MJ had some 'work' to do and I was told to shut up and not disturb her.

But all the exhaustion and irritation went away when we reached our beach-side cottage.

It was a small but cozy cottage with a window and a porch overlooking the calm and serene beach.

"So, you two will be staying here. I know it's small but this is what we could manage in short time. I hope you liked it!" Beckett, The man from SHIELD who helped us getting to this place from airport, told us.

"Don't worry, we will manage. Thank you!" MJ smiled and shook hands with him.

"The kitchen is filled with food." He pointed to the small depression on the wall on my left with a counter on which the appliances were neatly kept and a refrigerator at the end of the counter. "Though, I have made sure, but if you'd need anything else here's your temporary credit card. Remember, you can't make transactions from your personal cards, someone might track you." He handed both of us a credit card.
"And on the table is the guide, you can go out, do some activities if you want, you know enjoy your stay. It's a beautiful place with a lot of mysteries. And you have a lot of money with you too. Just saying, if I were you, I would make the most of this trip!" He said and opened the door from where we came but stopped, "I don't think you will have any problem, but if you have any emergency, use the SERC or you can use the telephone on the table to call me for anything that is not emergency, but still important. Yeah, just don't use your mobile phones!"
He shut the door as he went and a loud awkward silence took over the place.

"So...What is serc?" I asked to get rid of the unbearable silence.

"SERC is the Secret Emergency Radio Call. We use it in case of any emergency as stated by Mr. Beckett." She coldly said and took her luggage to the bedroom. And I realized that this cottage was so small that it had only one bedroom. Well,--

"Shit!" MJ completed my thought and I went behind her to confirm the reason of her scream.

"What happened?" I asked though I knew the answer.

"Nothing," She took a deep breath. "There's just one bed so one of us will have to sleep on the couch!" She said and pointed towards the huge bed just below the window, in the middle of the small room with a combined wardrobe and shower on its left and a door to porch on its right.

"Couch? You call that 'couch'? MJ, neither of us can sleep on that thing, there's barely any space for three people to sit together on that...on that 'couch'!" I stated the fact.

"Shit. What should we do now? We can't sleep on the same bed!" She almost lost her serious composure and I saw her cheeks turning into a shade of pink.

"As much as I would like to cuddle with you, yet I agree with you considering the fact that we both are not really on good terms and it would definitely get awkward!" I sputtered out all my thoughts in front of her like a stupid that I am, and regretted it as soon as I saw her getting uncomfortable on her feet. 

Knock Knock.

I thanked the God for bringing this distraction and ran towards the door. I opened the door to find Mr. Beckett panting as he said, "Sorry, I forgot to tell you one thing."

"Are you okay?" I asked as I let him in.

"Yeah. I just forgot to tell you that there's only one room--"

"Too late, we figured that out!" MJ said as she casually took out a water bottle from the fridge and all the traces of our awkward conversation were gone.

"Yeah, but the bed can be converted into two single beds. So, you two wouldn't be uncomfortable." 

"What? Really?" MJ chuckled and came to stand in between me and Beckett. This was when I noticed his physique. He looked like he might be just a few years older than us. He had short, dark brown hair and a body perfect for any girl to fall for him.  

"Yeah, you just have to pull the two beds from opposite sides, and voila! You have two beds now! Really, they are just put side by side to save the space, you know because we don't really have a huge mansion over here!" He chuckled and I thought if there was anything to chuckle about.

"Thanks, Beckett. You know, I almost lost it when I saw just one bed. Water?" She offered him the glass she just poured water in and he took it. I saw their fingers brushing and felt a peculiar irritation with him

"Thanks. And I had to be there for you," I glared at him for that sentence. "Because you know, I could loose this job. But every job has its own perks, right?" He smirked and winked at her as she chuckled. 

"Don't you have anywhere else to be?" I asked, trying to be subtle about the sudden urge to punch him in the face.

"Oh, yeah. Thanks for reminding me. I should go or I would seriously lose this job, no kidding!" He chuckled again even if there was nothing to chuckle about.

"Yeah," I fake chuckled with him. "And you don't want to lose your job, right? Because then you'll lose your perks too, won't you?" I fake smiled and saw MJ squinting her eyebrows at me. 

"Yeah." He stretched and raised his hand for a high-five. "See you later, bud?" I unwillingly slapped my hand on his. "Bye, Em!" He patted her on the shoulder and went from where he came.

"What was that, Peter?" I turned around to see MJ with her hands crossed across her chest and looking at me with a raised eyebrow.


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