MJ is a spy?!

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The chapter is so unedited that I had to edit it again to write that it's unedited.

The three adolescents were stunned by the interior of the building, which they never, ever in their lives, imagined to be in.

"Awesome!" Ned breathed as he gaped at his surroundings.

"Awesome? I might faint!" Flash joined him.

"You guys are such nerds." Betty shook her head. "Aren't you worried about why we are brought here?"

"They shouldn't be, dear." Tony grabbed everyone's attention as he entered.
"We are just going to have a casual chat, that's all." He sat on the chair and looked up at their solid faces.
"Sit down, why are you standing?" He pointed to the other chairs and the trio obeyed him.

"Mr. Stark...what are we--" Ned started but got cut by Tony.

"I am getting to the point." He gestured Happy to bring them juice.
"But first, have something?"

They grabbed their glasses and took a sip.

"Great, now that you're hydrated, let's get to the point. Here are the rules.
Rule number one, I will ask questions and you will answer it truthfully.
Rule number two, no questions from your side.
Rule number three, what happens in this room, stays in this room.
Are we good?" Tony recieved their perfectly coordinated nods.

"Great. First question, did you tell anyone about the attacks that happened?"

"Do you mean... the attack on the day when I-me, Peter and MJ had to walk back to home?" Ned hesitantly asked.

"Did you not hear the rules, Ted? And how many attacks have you witnessed, exactly?" Tony said.

"I-My name is Ned." Ned shifted in his place nervously.

"Did you tell anyone or not!?" Tony ignored the boy.

"No!" Ned and Flash said together, and Ned looked at Flash in a 'you-were-attacked-too?' way, to which Flash affirmed.

And now, all the eyes were on Betty, who had been awfully quite since the question was asked.

There was hesitation on her face as she contemplated an answer, opened her mouth to say something, but at the end she just shook her head.

"Okay, second question. Do you remember anything specific about the people who attacked you? Something which might separate them from any normal human being?"

"They had this weird uniform." Flash started.

"And very fatal weapons." Ned finished.
They both looked at each other and tried to control the high-five which was eager to come out.

"They were wearing masks and were in group." Ned continued.

"But Peter and MJ handled it like professionals." Flash said with pride.

"Yeah, they did." Tony said with a smile. "What about you, Bethany?"

"I actually...I didn't see anything." Betty said with uncertainty. "Also it's Betty."

"Okay...and" He contemplated something.

"I got something!" Flash half shouted.
Everybody turned to look at him.

"I remember that one of the men had a prosthetic leg." Flash said excitedly as he pieced the scene together.
"He was this bulky man, tall and huge with a mechanical leg. But, he could walk properly as if his both the legs were intact. I saw this while I was hiding."

Everyone went silent, trying to think.

"That...might actually help." Tony said with hope.
"Thank you, for your cooperation, bla bla bla." He waved his hand nonchalantly and stood up from his seat. "I am done with the questions. Happy, drop them off to their place."

Happy proceeded to follow the order as he directed the kids towards the gate, but Ned stopped mid way.

"Mr. Stark! Can I...can I talk to you about...Peter?" Ned ran towards Tony and asked as everyone looked at him.

"Yes, what about him?" Tony replied.

Ned, not too subtly, leaned a little closer and whispered, "I know."

"What do you know, Ned?" Flash asked from where they were standing.

"Oh, nothing..." Ned widened his eyes and nodded towards Tony, "nothing."

"Happy?" Tony asked while eyeing the boy suspiciously.


"I was thinking, since these kids have been such a great help, why don't you show them the tower? Meanwhile I will answer Nate's question."

"Sure!" Happy said and ushered Flash and Betty out of the room for the tour.

"My name is Ned, by the way." Ned said as soon as the other two of his friends were gone.

"And that's what you wanted to say?" Tony raised his eyebrows.

"No...No. I actually wanted to talk about Peter."

"Go on!"

"Peter told me about the internship, but where is he actually?"

"The training program of course."

"Mr. Stark, I know about Peter's secret. Please tell me the truth."

"You do?" Tony looked at him incredulously.

"Yes. And I want to know if he is okay. He is not fighting a super-villain, is he? He told me that something weird happened at the party." His voice increased with panic.
"Oh god! He is in trouble, isn't he? I will lose my best-friend. Mr. Stark, I don't wanna lose my best-friend--"

"Woah! Slow down there. He is not fighting any super-villain neither is he in trouble." Tony paused a little. "Well, he is in trouble, but that's why I have sent them, so that they are safe."

"Wait, 'them'?" Ned asked.

"Yes, them. Peter and MJ." Tony shrugged.

"MJ!? And what is this trouble are we talking about?" Ned exclaimed in confusion.

"There are some people, who tried to harm Peter and MJ, and may harm them in the future too, so we decided that we will track them down, arrest them or whatever, while Peter and MJ are safe and enjoying their stay on a serene beach." Stark explained without revealing any confidential information.

"I don't get it. Why do they want to harm them?"

"We don't know either. But our possible guess is that it's because of some revenge that they want to take on Peter or MJ."

"I get it that they might have something to do with Peter, since he is 'Spider-Man' but what does MJ have to do with this?" Ned pulled on the strap of his bag which he had on his shoulder.

"MJ might have done something in her past missions which pissed off this unknown." Tony scrunched his eyebrows.

"Wait...missions?...what do you mean?" Ned was wide eyed.

"What do you mean? It's her job! MJ is a spy! duh"

"MJ is a what!!!?" Ned shouted.

"You mean to say that Peter Parker is Spider-Man and MJ is a secret spy!!?" Flash said wide eyed, and Ned and Tony turned their attention to him.

Betty, who was standing just beside Flash said, "This is a prank, right?"

Ned was desperate to say something, but he didn't know what to say to make this situation normal.

"Shocker. I am not in the mood to prank anyone today." Tony said. "Happy, drive them home!" He ordered and left the room while shouting,
"Remember not to tell this to anyone!"


A/N- Another shitty day, another shitty chapter.

Dun Dun Dunnnn, the secret is out or whatever.

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