Reality Check

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"Welcome to the Avengers"

Me and Mr.Ant-Man looked at each other and smiled. Mr. Stark stretched his hands towards me and Mr. Captain America stretched his towards Mr. Ant-Man. We both gladly shook their hands.
Anybody could tell how starstruck we were by our facial expression.

"Nice to meet you again, kid." Mr.Stark whispered in my ears. And then said to everyone. "I think you two should introduce yourselves properly to everyone."

Me and Mr. Ant-Man nodded while Mr. Stark and Mr. Captain America sat down on their seats.

"You want to go first, little guy?" Mr. Ant-Man asked politely in low voice.

"No, I am fine. I would like you to go first because I have no idea what do."
I replied in a hushed tone to which he chuckled and patted on my back.

He then started to introduce himself.
"Hello, Dear Avengers. First of all, I have to say I'm a big fan of your work. My name is Scott Lang but I am most popular as Ant-Man. My special ability is to shrink or grow in size and I can communicate with the ants. My favourite ant pet is Anthony and it is my assistant too. I think that's enough for an introduction, I would like to know you all too. Thank you!" He said and bowed.
Everyone clapped and asked Mr. Scott to have a seat. When everyone got settled, I took a deep breath and started my introduction.
"Hey. Hello. My name is Peter-Man...I mean Spider Parker. Shit, no...I-I uh mean...sorry, I-I am a bit nervous."

"Hey, a bit nervous, nice to meet you!" Natasha said with a smirk.

"Nat, no! Don't make him more nervous." Mr. Stark turned towards me and continued. "Hey, kid. No need to be nervous. After all, we all are gonna be a family, right?" He comforted me which actually helped so I smiled at him.

"Wait, who are you? What did you do to Stark?" Mr. Hawkeye said jokingly which resulted Mr. Stark give him a glare when he said. "I don't think you read news, Legolas, do you? Because if you did you'd know the most famous person on earth.........You can start, kid." He shut Mr. Hawkeye up and asked me.

"Hey, everyone. I am Peter Parker but I am famous as Spider-Man. I was bitten by a radioactive spider and got my powers. I have superhuman strength, agility, endurance, also I can climb and stick to the walls and I have like a sixth sense called spidey sense which helps me know about incoming dangers. I also have webshooters, which I made, which can shoot webs. I am a high school student and I am looking forward to work with you." I finished off with a satisfied feeling.

"Woah, and I just took drugs!" Mr. Captain America said clearly bewildered. He then stood up and approached me and offered me a handshake. "Nice to meet you Spider-Man. We look forward to know you more, Peter."

"Thank you, Mr. Captain America. I am a big fan!"

He chuckled. "Call me Steve!" And went to his seat to let everybody else greet me and Mr. Scott.

Two Hours Later

Me and all the Avengers have introduced each other and got along really well.

I honestly used to think that Avengers would be arrogant, but they're nowhere near that. They all are really sweet, sassy, sarcastic and funny. And out all the things, they are like a family and included me and Mr. Scott in it as well. Sure, they would trash talk each other all the times, but it's actually just their way of showing love.

"And then he said-" Natasha said laughing.
"Language!" All of them said in unison and started laughing while Mr. Steve put his hand on his face being embarrassed.

After the laughter calmed down, I noticed that my orange juice needed a refill.

"Guys, I'm gonna get a refill. Anyone need anything else?" I announced standing up.

"Nah. We are fine!" They said simultaneously. I shrugged and walked towards the juice counter.

I filled my glass and turned around when I saw her there- standing and talking with few people with a glass of  juice in her hand. She was wearing a pink formal suit with an elegant high pony.

As she took a sip from her drink, she saw me and her face fell. I awkwardly put one of my hand up for a wave.

I could see her sigh. She then turned towards the people she was talking to and excused herself from there.

I took a run after her and stopped her from going away by pulling her from her hands.

"MJ..." I muttered.

She looked at me and then at my hand which was holding hers.

"Oh! I-I am sorry." I said and let go of her hands.

"What do you want, Peter?" She asked rather harshly.


"Well, I don't want to give any answers."


"Because I don't feel the need to. And isn't it obvious, Peter that I don't want to be with you! If it's not, then let me clear this for you, I don't have anything to do with you, Peter, so please leave me alone."

She said and left me alone there to really believe the reality check I just received.


A/N- Hey, guys. I want to say sorry for slow updates. But I have my final exams going on and I am trying my hard to get good grades. Exams will go on for the whole month (which is super annoying) and I won't be able to update regularly (or maybe at all for this month), though I will try my best to.

And also, I have just uploaded the trailer chapter of my new book-- 'Ex'phobia, so check that out. It's my real life story with some of the parts altered to make it more interesting. So I would love if you guys read it.

At last, thank you, for all your support and love. Wish me luck for my exam and I hope you have great week and are able to achieve what you want. Love you.❤

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