You're Lying, Loki!

978 30 4

This chapter is unedited

"Loki? As in Thor's brother?" I asked with wide eyes.

"The very one, mortal child." He said and tilted his head to one side. And as if on command, the tribesmen removed their spears from our face and stood in attention.

"He is also the same Loki who attacked New York, Peter!" MJ spat in anger.

"I take it I am very known in the outer world." Loki stretched his arm towards me to help me get up and I didn't deny.

But when he did the same with MJ, she intentionally ignored him and stood up.

"I gotta say, it's an honour to meet you Mr. Loki." I put forward a handshake.

"You seem to be a decent mortal. What do they call you?" He smiled and took my hand.

"Uh...Peter." I replied after processing for a second.

"Seriously? Peter, you shouldn't get too close to him. He might be dangerous." MJ warned me.

"Wait, I remember you." Mr. Loki's attention shifted to MJ. "You have grown up, Mary."

"I am really sorry, I couldn't stop time." MJ retorted.

"You're mischievous. I like it." He smiled and looked at me.
"So, you didn't answer my question."

"What...question?" I asked.

"Why are you two here--"

"Don't move!" MJ had her gun out, pointed at Mr. Loki in no time.
But as soon as she pointed her gun, the tribe pointed there spears at her face.

"I thought you are smarter than that, Mary." Loki smirked.

MJ's eyebrows scrunched in confusion.

"You see, any of your cunning move on me, they will slice you into infinite pieces and serve it at the dinner. They are just waiting for the command." Loki waved his hand dismissively and the tribe once again stood in attention.

"What are you? A dictator or something?" MJ said annoyingly as one of the tribesmen snatched her gun from her hand.

"God, would be the appropriate word." He shrugged nonchalantly. "Follow me."

He turned to walk but stopped. MJ whispered to me, "Don't go, Peter. He is up to something. I don't trust him."

"Oh dear, your only options right now are either you follow me or have a spear across your head." He smirked. "And I think you're smart enough to make a wise decision."

MJ sighed and we started following him.
On the way MJ nudged my hand and whispered. "Why don't you do anything, Peter? I am sure he is taking us to some sort of sacrifice where he will feed us to some animal."

I half chuckled. "I don't think he is dangerous, MJ. My Spidey sense would have alerted me as soon as I saw him."

"But, what if he tricked you? He is the God of Mischief, afterall."

"MJ, if he was any dangerous, he wouldn't have saved us. Plus, I think he is liking our company. I feel he probably feels lonely here, even though he is their 'God'."

MJ went silent. I saw a conflict in her eyes. But before I could look any deeper, Mr. Loki  turned to us.

"Mortals! Before I lead you to my kingdom, I want to warn you, that do as I tell you to, and there will be no problem. The people here don't understand anything about the outside world, and I don't want you to cause any scene with your out-worldly shenanigans."

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