Get ready for an adventure, Peter!

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Two Days Later.
Peter's POV .

The sharp voice of the telephone ringing cut through the air for my sensitive senses to perceive them. I groaned at the disturbance caused to my sleep at this demonic hour.

Who the hell is calling at 3.30 in the morning?

I rubbed my eyes and picked up the telephone.

"Check the baby. Baby needs attention!" It was Beckett.
"Okay!" I muttered and cut the call. I went to tell MJ to look after her 'baby' which she put in the wardrobe, but she was peacefully asleep. So much so, that I felt I shouldn't wake her up. And I didn't. I would be a cruel if I woke her up; she looks so gorgeous.

I opened the wardrobe and saw the device glowing with bright light. I picked it up, recalling the procedure MJ had used last time.

Soon, Mr. Stark's face lit up in front of me.
"Hey, Mr. Stark! Good morning."

"Hey, kid! Were you sleeping?" He asked in confusion.

"Yeah, it's three in the morning!" I replied.

"Oh, yeah. Shit, I forgot about time zones. I should have checked before making a call! Should I call you later or--"

"Mr. Stark! It's okay. Don't worry!" I smiled.

"Okay. Good. How are you?" Tony smiled back.

"Great. We have been exploring the islands alot, and it's really something. You should visit here sometime! I am sure you will love it!"

"Really, now I gotta see this. Not only because I have been drooling over the pictures FRIDAY showed me but because you guys love it and won't stop talking about it!" We both chuckled.

"How are you keeping up, kid?" Tony asked his expression suddenly becoming serious.

"Honestly, I don't know. I didn't expect any of this. I mean, I knew that this is dangerous when I decided to go out and be the friendly, neighbourhood superhero. But I never expected that I would be a part of Avengers, to work with my childhood idols. I never expected to meet MJ. I never expected to fly to the opposite side of the world and have a vacation on a beach." I scoffed.

Mr. Stark smiled. "I get you, kid. Sometimes,  you can't select a door; you're pushed into it. And you know very well that it is the wrong door. But you're in the room now, you have two options: either stay in this wrong room for the rest of your life or find a way out, because their's always a window, you just gotta look for it."

I thought about what he said for a minute, and nodded with a smile. "Thanks, Mr. Stark."

"No problem, I found this post on the social media." He chuckled. I smiled.

"But, seriously, Mr. Stark. Thanks. It's been a long time since...someone gave me a lesson to remember." I half smiled.

" okay, kid?" He got tensed.

"Yeah. Yeah, I am okay! Mr. Stark. I just miss my aunt and my friends and everyone else!"

"Oh. Okay." He sighed. "Oh yeah, I forgot why I had called you. Where's MJ? I need to give you two an important news!"

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