running away hurts (literally)

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I don't know why I ran away. Nothing was going on that was bad at home. Maybe I just wanted a new life. Something more exciting. I wanted more freedom to build and be independent. I stopped thinking about doing it, and began my great plan of running away.

Over the course of a few months, I began moving my belongings into an abandoned area in the sewer I reconstructed on my own. I felt a bit of regret choosing that particular area, since I kept hearing weird noises at night.

Once most of my stuff was gone from my room, I had to figure out how to leave. Would I fake a death? Or leave a letter? I ended up dwelling too hard on this, and built a cloak that quite literally cloaked my existence from the naked eye, using a reflective material I made a few years back.

I was planning on saying goodnight, dawning the cloak, walking out through the apartment's rooftop and just bolting after I got a good glimpse of the city's overview. It would have been the last time I could see it before hiding out.

Unfortunately, with my luck, complications arose. When I opened the door to the roof, there were four giant turtles hanging out by the water tank. Before I could stop the door, the hunk of metal slammed shut behind me. Even though no one could see me, my presence became crystal clear.

"What was that?" One wrapped in a blue headband muttered, and the others got into a fighting stance. "Who's there?"

"Come out, and no one has to get hurt." Another in a red mask appeared, uttering a vague threat. "Maybe."

I took to step back, and a startlingly loud rattle echoed behind my foot. I looked back, and there was a ladder that had fallen from the side. My cloak moved back to reveal my arm.

"He's over there! Get him!" A purple one screamed, and ran towards me to attack.

I yelped, and jumped over the fallen ladder to scurry out of there. Who are these guys? I just wanted to run away without any consequences. I wondered to myself if my mom hired these suited guys to keep me from leaving to teach me a lesson. If that was true, how did she know I was running away? Was it the lack of bed?

Just then, a wooden staff came down and whapped me straight on my head. "Ow!" I shouted, and kicked whatever was in front of me.

"Ow!" Yelled back the purple turtle. He dropped his stick, and held his knee in pain.

It was my chance to leave. I climbed down the stairs on the building, and made haste to my new home. It was a shame. I never really got to take one last look at the city.

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