i want to go back to sleep

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"Okay but seriously, aren't you taken back by the fact that we're mutants?" The blue masked turtle asked. He was getting on my nerves.

"No, I've known about mutants in Manhattan for months now. I thought everyone in New York knew."

A collective sigh of relief echoed out of everyone and into the room.

"I want to go to sleep. Can I go back home now?"

"Well not after we wipe your memory," teased the red one. I had the urge to smack him in the face.

"I believe he means apologize and introducing themselves," the large rat man replied, pulling on the red turtle's bandanas.

The purple one paled and quickly smiled at me. "We're really sorry and my name's Donatello!"

"Yeah, sorry about that. I'm Leonardo."

The orange one, I assumed named Mikey, had a face of what I can presume awe. He did blurt out a compliment to me. It was kind of cute.

"You're Mikey, right?" I asked, smirking.

"You're like really pretty..."

"Excuse my son. I am their father and sensei, Splinter."

"Oh, you guys are Japanese?" I asked. "Me too, kind of. I'm mixed."

"What's your surname?" Donatello asked, having a worried tone.


"Okay cool."

"Can I go home now? I have a date with Ebisu, and it's called sleeping."

"Before you go, I just have to know how you made yourself invisible?" Donnie asked.

"I'm an engineer. Bye!"


Although I said I was unfazed by mutants, ninjas were different. I thought was going to get killed tonight, and that nobody would have found me because I wanted it to be that way.

I hugged Ebisu tightly that night. He was my only solace and sole protector that night. The hum of the filter and generator startled me, causing me to cover my ears with headphones. I was going to have to get used to the noise if I were to live here.

When I came to, an ecstatic Donnie loomed over me.

"Ah!" I rolled off my bed. "Get out! What if I was changing, dude!"

"No, I made sure that you were asleep when I came in."

"That's weirder! What do you want?"

"To be friends and see the technology you have created. You are incredibly intelligent for a human." He said.

"Oh... HEY!"


"I made myself invisible with a material that I made for a science project a few years back. It's reflective material that can make an object invisible on the inside. The inside itself is not invisible, which is why you saw my arm when I bumped into the ladder."

"Why would you give it such a fatal flaw?"

"So I don't lose it all the time. I just... turn it inside out when I put it away."  I flipped the clothing to reveal a velvet fabric inside. "Plus it's cozier than without it."

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