that one guy i forgot to mention

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I barely made it down the sewers before I started gasping for air. I almost died, or got kidnapped, by turtles! What the heck were those things from? As I walked down to my new home, I began thinking about the turtle men.

From the last few minutes, I started remembering how most of them tried to attack me. There was a fourth one, who held two nunchucks in his hands, with an orange eye mask. He had olive green skin, and small spots on his face. He still had a fighting stance when they found out I was there, but didn't openly attack me. It may have been due to the fact that they couldn't completely see me, but still. It felt like he was the nice one of the four.

I mindlessly traced my fingers along the damp concrete, the rough edges soothing to my considerably smoother fingers. I came to a stop once my hands met an uneven set of bricking. It was the control panel I installed to my new home. I pushed it back, and the doors slid open to welcome me inside.

On my teal bed was a ball of fluff, his fur being patches of black, orange and white. A male calico cat named Ebisu. Kind of ironic that I have a cat named after a patron of fish.

"Hi Ebi! Are you sleepy?" I leaned against my bed and scratched under his chin, instantly rewarded with a purr. "I'll be back, I have to change."

In the shower, I had a water system that was based off of the sewer system with a filter working in the back of my cozy home. The design of the bathroom was a little rustic, but not hideous. I quickly cleaned myself, patching up a small scab on my knee from a a few weeks ago.

Before leaving the shower, I dawned a plain lilac tee and some gray drawstring shorts. I sat in my chair in the corner, where loose sheets of paper were scattered and my pencils waited for my presence.

"Maybe I should draw out what just happened so I can make myself feel a little less insane."

So I did just that. I very roughly doodled me getting hit by the purple turtle and before that, the four looking kind of scary.

I'm embarrassed to admit, but I did doodle that orange turtle with significantly more effort than needed. I tried to capture his somewhat stern look of heroism in contrast with the softness of his face with the pencil hatching.

Utterly flustered, I put my pencil away and flopped on my bed, cradling my warm Ebisu. It didn't take long for me to drift into sleep.

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