introductions while we save New York

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Maya slept on the couch that night. It was entrancing to watch her gills open and close, with the occasional twitch. I realized that was weird and went to bed.

Tomorrow my brothers and I were going to go to the woods for some special ninja training. I was nervous leaving Maya alone with April and Casey. What if she tries to eat them, a horrifying thought occured.

I won't, so stop saying that Mikey. Maya brain said to me.

Sorry. I apologized. Donnie will find a cure soon, I promise.

He better or I'm going to taxidermy his shell.

I gulped nervously as I went to bed.


"We're going to New York? Now?" Maya asked. She moved back to fishtank stasis. "I don't know what these Kraang aliens look like but they sound not cool if they took over." She gasped loudly. "What if they mutated my family? What if I bump into them and I get grounded by my Kraang ish mom? Oh my god she'd kill me!"

"Calm down, or you'll fry your brain." Donnie said.

"This is the perfect time for introductions." I announced proudly. "We kind of tell all our friends, and girlfriend, the reason why we're doing this."

"Seems a little late for that, huh?" Maya commented. Raph and her raised an eyebrow of suspicion.

"Yeah but that's because we were rudely interrupted by Kraang."

"Fair enough." Casey braked hard, causing water to spill in the back of the van. "Cool it with the brakes, Casey!" Maya shouted.

"My bad."

"So basically we grew up in the sewers with our ninja dad, Splinter, who has this lifelong feud, dating back to their time in Japan. He's the Shredder, the rival, not Splinter. Anyways he's always trying to kill us because we're Splinter's kids, and we also have like rampant mutants and the Kraang always on us that want to take over New York. Yeah."

"Yeah I didn't really process that but congratulations, or bummer?" Maya slinked back into her tank awkwardly.

"It's okay. You'll see what I mean when we get back to New York."

"Speaking of, everyone shut up." Raph said. He pointed to the barricades on New York.

The van went quiet, and every one of us (the mutated ones) hid from the military officer's view. After some brief but tense talk, Casey decided to run on through. It was a good thing he did, because the military started to shoot at us.

"Why're they shooting us?!" Maya yelled.

"They're controlled by the Kraang!" Donnie screamed back.

"I miss the barn!" Maya replied. She thought for a second. "I take it back! I don't! I was out for months!"

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