my girlfriend eats deer now

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After Maya happily ate for the first time with us, she gained a lot of her usual pep. With her fluctuating mood and cheeky comments, she looked like she way enjoying herself.

She would wheel around the house, purposefully tripping over Donnie's feet and snickering when Donnie scolded her.

"Knock it off, Maya!" He said, cradling his foot.

"No way, dude. I was trapped in that fish tank for months. Let me have this."

She then proceeded to wheel over Donnie's other foot. Donnie fell to the ground, and got up pissed. Sensing this, Maya hurried out of the house to get chased by Donnie.

At night, we were watching some Crognard when Maya just up and left. Or, wheeled out of the house. Worried, I quickly got off the couch and followed after her.

"Maya, where are you going?" I asked.

Maya didn't listen. She wheeled to the woods, silent as ever. I decided to stay quiet, and see what she would do. She began to remove her fish bowl helmet.

Out in the woods was a wandering deer. It was grazing grass close to Maya. Maya suddenly screeched and launched herself at the deer, sinking her teeth into the hide. I was mortified. Why was she going all feral now?

Horrified, I kept looking. Maya then unhinged her jaw and swallowed the venison whole. How could she do that? That deer was way bigger than her! I could see her eyes were glossed over with white. Blood was sliding down her chin.

"AHHH!" I screamed.

Leo walked over next to me. "Mikey what's wrong?"

"She ate a deer!" I pointed at Maya. Maya was licking the remains of the deer off of herself.

"That's not good. She's further succumbing to the mutagen." Donnie said. "Typically, phantom anglerfish can eat animals up to twice its size."

"Not helping. Go get her, brainiac!" Raph pushed Donnie to Maya.

"I can't."

"What do you mean you can't?" I asked.

"I'm, scared."

"Fine, I'll do it." I said.

I took a deep breath and walked towards Maya, now flopping her way back to the wheelchair.

"Hi Maya. Please don't eat me because you're on a killing frenzy. It's me, Mikey. The guy you're dating."

"Hi Mikey."

I automatically screamed. "Are you still feral or hungry or whatever that was?"

"I was hungry. Then I eated deer." She said, putting her helmet back on. I helped her to her wheelchair.

"You 'eated' deer, huh?" Leo asked.

"I'm starting to think that maybe that wasn't a normal thing to say or do." Maya could see deer blood floating in her bowl. "Jeez. Donnie, please start working on the retromutagen, and fast."

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