we interrupt this programming to bring you me x shinigami

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It's exactly as it says. I don't have another book to put it in, and this book is so silly i feel like it fits. Anyways, on with the story. Also this is a joke but also I love Shinigami.

"Indigo, you know this love is forbidden. I am with The Foot clan and you are siding with the turtles." Shinigami said, anime tears sparkling from her honey colored eyes.

"I don't care! You're all I think about, day and night Shinigami! Plus, Leo's already backstabbing the guys with Karai." I pointed to Leo, dressed up in all emo with Karai looking badass.

"That's true. Still, are you willing to do anything for me, my love?"

Her sleek black hair was curtained over her eye, and she pulled out her hypnotizing device. I held it to the side and stared longingly into her eyes.

"My dear, put it away. For I have already fallen completely and utterly for you." My brown eyes were glimmering with love.

Shinigami tucked my wavy brown hair behind my ear and smiled softly. "You are so silly, Indigo." She said, and kissed me passionately with her dark purple-blackish lipstick.

"My god these bitches gay. Good for them, good for them." I heard Leo say from behind us. I didn't care though. My brain was exploding with dopamine, and I fainted into Shingami's arms happily.

"Gay rights!" Karai exclaimed.

The Fool and The Genius | TMNT Mikey X OC Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now