my girlfriend is a fish :(

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"No!" I pulled Maya out of the mutagen once she resurfaced. "Oh my god."

Her skin was a completely different color. She was pale, almost transparent. Her bottom teeth were pointed and jutted out from her lips. On her forehead was a weird bulbous shape that started to light up. Her neck sprouted frilly gills. She had small antenna-like horns. Her hair merged with her skin, also a clear greenish shade. Her pants were gone, a tail replacing her lower half completely.

"She's a mermaid!" I cried out.

"No, she's a phantom anglerfish." Baxter said.

"Why did you do this?" I asked angrily.

"We have to go Mikey. Casey and the others are waiting in the van."

"You super suck, Stockman!" I yelled as I picked up an unconscious Maya and left.


"She needs water, stat!" Donnie ordered.

I opened a water bottle and threw it at Maya, who was gasping through her gills. Next to her was an also unconscious Leo. He was in a bruised and comatose state. I hoped Maya wouldn't fall into a coma.

"How are we going to keep her alive without throwing her in the ocean?" Raph said. It felt like a rude comment, but his face had concern written all over it.

"I don't know. Fishface has tubes that are in his gills, but some deep sea fish have to be in a deep pressure of water. That's why they look so ugly when they get caught in nets. In Maya's case, the phantom anglerfish lives 7,000 feet underwater." Donnie's ranting was annoying, but Maya's life was on the line, so I kept listening. "It's going to take a lot of elbow grease to simulate that much water pressure so she can live safely in her new state."

"Well, get started on it!" I yelled.


I threw another full bottle of water on Maya. I hope she makes it through the trip.


We spent the first few nights at the farmhouse alternating between attending to Leo and Maya. Raph and Casey were often watching over Leo in the tub, while Donnie and I were keeping Maya alive in an enormous fishtank.

April moved around from the two, supplying us with anything we needed. From making medicine for Leo to working on a breathing machine for Maya, Donnie did not sleep at all.

"If only Maya was awake to help me make this." He muttered once.

I looked at my unconscious girlfriend floating sadly in the cramp fishtank. April said she looked like a dying betta fish at PetSmart. That worried me.

Luckily when she woke up, she would be greeted with Ebisu, but I wasn't sure if he'd like Maya's new style.

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