i love you so much i feel like im going to explode

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"When's our next date?"

On our way back down the sewers, a still somewhat flustered Maya was running her hand across the wall. She looked at me and gave a mischievous grin.

"Who said I wanted a second date?"

"I did! I'm kind of irresistible." I joked in return.

"Don't let it get to your head that I like you." She smiled in the dim lighting, more sincerely, and my heart skipped a beat. "I'll call you. Do you have a phone?"

"Oh, that reminds me!" I quickly fished from the sides of my shell to hand a T-phone to Maya. "Donnie said he wanted to give you one."

She clicked her tongue and muttered in Spanish as she grabbed the shell shaped phone. "That guy is everywhere, like a fly in a restaurant."

"You don't like him?"

"He's okay, he's just super nosy."

"I guess I'm used to it. He is my brother."

After a moments silence, Maya hummed a simple tune as she rounded the corner.

"Well, this is my house, Mikey. I'll see you around."

Maya leaned in close to my face. A kiss, score! I thought, but was met with her warm lips to my cheek.

"Aw, no mouth to mouth?" I pouted.

"Not yet, bozo." She turned around and opened her door, giving me one last longing look before she shut her doors.

Despite me joking about not getting lip to lip kisses, I screamed elated the whole way home. I was shaking like a two liter Coke bottle closed up and full of Mentos, ready to burst if my lid was opened.

"Keep it down, Mikey!" Leo chided as I got home.

"I can't. I actually can't. Maya is just the, well she's the best! She flirty and shy and cool and smart and tall and pretty and GAH!"

"You're way too enthusiastic right now. It's late, if you couldn't tell." Donnie said, rubbing his eyes sleepily as he got out of his lab.

"I am not! It is a perfectly normal amount of enthusiasm for someone I like." I looked to the clock on my phone. Midnight?! Jeez. "Actually it is kind of late."

Donnie turned around, going back into his lab. "I'll see you in morning. Goodnight."


"Yeah I'm heading to bed too, Mikey. I just needed some water. Don't be up for long, okay?"

"I won't!"

I was up for long.

The whole night I could not sleep. Like adrenaline was still in my veins, but nothing super life endangering was happening. During my bout of insomnia, I remembered to hang up the picture of myself Maya drew. Sure, she was a little kooky, but so was I.

I desperately needed to know more about her.

The Fool and The Genius | TMNT Mikey X OC Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now