home invasion horror subgenre

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A/N: from here on out, the povs will begin to switch from characters, so i can bring to life my old writing. Marks will indicate which character is speaking. Mikey's is * and Maya has no mark.


"So who do you think was up on that building, D?" I asked as we headed back for the lair.

"Maybe that Anton guy, he can be invisible, right?" Raph answered, looking a little mad he didn't hit anything.

"No, they sounded different. Higher voice pitch. Maybe a younger person, or maybe... a girl." Donnie started chattering to himself, so I tuned the rest of his rambling out.

Something did stick to me, though. A girl that can go invisible sounds straight out of a comic book! That's cool! What's cooler is she kind of kicked Donnie's butt. I just hope she's not the enemy.

"Guys, check this out!"

Leo pointed to a brick that stuck out from the walls. It looked like it was going to fall out. I pushed it back into place, and the walls began to shake.

"MIKEY!" Yelled my brothers. Oops.

The weird doors opened to reveal a girl sleeping in bed.

"What the heck? Why does this place look so nice? And why is there a girl sleeping here?!" Raph complained in shock.

"Aw there's a kitty! So cute!" I swooned.

"Be careful, it could be a trap! Why would there be a person living here except for us?" Leo quickly got into attack mode, pulling out his katanas.

"AH! Hey, why are you following me?" The girl shot up from bed and her cat started to hiss at us.

"Following you?" Donnie said. "Are you the person from earlier? You hit me!"

"You hit me!" She snapped back. She slid off the bed and got into a fighting stance, making fists.

Raph smiled deviously. "Are we gonna fight? Sweet!"

"Get out or I'll kick your shells to Jersey."

"Yeah, we're so scared," Leo mocked, and immediately was met with the cat clawing his face.

While Leo tried to pry the viciously cute cat from his face, Raph roared and charged towards the girl. She screamed and kicked at his shin.

"Why do you keep kicking?" Donnie asked as Raph groaned in pain.

"What else am I supposed to do? You're armed and I just woke up!"

She moved around and found a vase from her shelf. Oh no.

"Leave me alone!"

She shouted and smashed it over Donnie's head just as he was about to hit her. The liquid in it poured everywhere, and Donnie slumped to the floor. In the corner of my eye I could see Raph slowly rise up, and he grabbed her shoulders.

"That's enough outta you," he grumbled, and slung her over his shell.

"Let go! You rude home invaders!" She thrashed around as everyone recovered from their attacks.

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