cats like fish too much

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I was glad to see that Leo was awake. I wasn't glad, however, to see that Maya was still struggling in her fish body. I stayed with Donnie, who was napping, in the barn with Maya in the fishtank.

Lucky for her, she didn't turn into an absolute abomination like Baxter. That might be because I'm biased, but she still looked just as beautiful as ever, plus some super sharp teeth and a weird head bulb.

Hi, Mikey. I suddenly heard in my brain. I looked at Maya's fishtank, but she was still floating around unconscious. It must've been my imagination, I thought.

No, Mikey, it's not. I'm awake, I can't breathe too good, but I'm alive. Can you tell me what I mutated into? I can't see.

"Maya?" I gasped. Maya was talking to me. I was scared I was going crazy.

Yes, stupid, I'm Maya. Sorry for never doing a rain check on our second date. We were totally going to kiss that time.

"How are you doing that?" I said.

What, brain talking? In fiction, it's called telepathy. I don't know how, but I need to breathe pressurized water, or I'm actually going to die. Wake up Donnie.

"D, wake up! Maya's talking!" I yelled. "She has telephoney."


"What she said."

Donnie shot awake looking around. "Mikey, don't joke around. Maya isn't awake."

Donnie, grab the tube and get an oxygen tank.

"Holy smokes, she's talking."

Do it!

"I'm doing it!"


After hours of laborious work and Maya occasionally going silent, we, I mean Donnie and Maya worked together to make a breathing system. It consisted of a smaller circular fishbowl filled with fake seawater that was placed on Maya's head, attached with tubes pumping pressure into her gills. After this, Maya woke up.

"Mikey!" Maya exclaimed, jumping out of the fishtank and flopping to her side. "Oh right, no legs. Can you help me back into the tank?"

I lifted her up, Maya being a lot heavier than when she first mutated. Was it the water?

I heard that, Mikey.

"Hey, get out of my head!" I scolded as I put her back in the water.

"Don't worry Mikey. I'll live. Besides, this clunky breathing system is only temporary, I hope. But I would like to to move out of this fishtank and get a wheelchair or something." Her sharp teeth opened up and down as she spoke. They were really sharp.

"Oh! I almost forgot!"

As if on cue, Ebisu emerged from a hay bale. His splattered patterns shone in the light as he looked at Maya.

"Hi Ebisu!" She cooed. 

Ebisu jumped up to come face to face with Maya, and swatted at her helmet. He still purred and moved along the edge, but it was clear he wasn't familiar with Maya's gills.

"He doesn't remember me." She said sadly.

The Fool and The Genius | TMNT Mikey X OC Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now