my eye is ourple now?

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Being a fish sucks. Despite me building a breathing system for my new form, I'm still confined to the space of a really small fishtank. I take back what I said about liking cramped spaces.

Mikey has been boosting my morale, though. Bringing me things to tinker with. Helping me discover new things about my mutated form. I apparently have a flashlight in my forehead? In actuality, it's the esca of an anglerfish that looks like a cool stone. But it does hurt when it knocks against my fishbowl helmet. I also weirdly had my eye color mutated. One of my eyes were no longer green, but a light purple color.

Donnie has also been doing some research regarding my fish like state. After building the machine, he was asleep for days, but he came back full swing when he woke.

"It seems some of your mutated genetic material has been merged with the small piece of DNA April's hair had." He said, looking into the microscope. "That's why you can talk to people telepathically." He peered further. "And some new heterochromia."

"April's telepathic? I should've guessed." I looked over at Mikey, who was nuzzling against Ebisu. My heart twinged in envy. "Do you know how to turn me back?"

"I've made retromutagen before, but it takes a lot of regular mutagen and April's DNA sample. It could take months before you're back to a human."

I groaned loudly in frustration, causing Ebisu to jump off of Mikey's chest. But not before he kicked into his chest. Mikey moaned in pain at this.

"I don't want to be a fish!"

"Hey guys."

Casey entered the room. I assumed he came back because of my request for a wheelchair. To my surprise, he was wheeling it in. It was a basic steel one with black fabric coverings. Did he steal that?

"Yay, I can get out of the fishtank!" I exclaimed, and readied to launch myself out of that miserable glass of water.

"Ah ah ah." Casey clicked his tongue. "Not before you say thank you."

"Thank you." I said. "Now let me on!"

I jumped onto the wheelchair, chittering happily. I gasped at the new noise I made.

"Whoa! You sound like a creature!" Mikey responded vaguely.

"That's probably not good." Donnie said. He was still focused on analyzing my cells. "It means she's turning more fishlike."

"No more fish stuff!" I cried.

"Look! Your eyes! They moved!" Casey screamed. I was unamused.

"Eyes move all the time, Casey."

"No, look, guys." He tapped into my fishbowl, causing me to flinch. "Weren't they on the other side? The colors. "

"You're right, Casey." Donnie said. He grabbed my fishbowl and pulled my face close to his face. His eye looked huge.

"Hands off my girl, D!" Mikey protested.

"Relax I'm studying her eyes. " After a second he nodded at Casey. "Yep. Now, the green eye is on the right side, and the purple one on the left."

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