let chaos ensue

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I was a little shaken after our visit with Jophiel. I felt so naked, so seen through, similarly to how I was when I was mutated.

"Thank you Mikey." I said as we walked down the sewers, holding his hand. "This was truly an eye opening experience: I will never forget it."

We stopped right outside of the lair. I took off Mikey's hood from his head. He was a little shorter than me, but I never paid mind to it. I leaned my face in and kissed Michelangelo softly on the lips.

"Thanks for the date. I'll see you tomorrow." I repeated, heading back home.


Finally it was finished. After a lot of welding, burn marks on my fingers and splinters wedging themselves into my palms, I made it. I was also learning how to use this thing discreetly with Master Splinter. Today, I would return my reference to him and surprise the turtles.

"Here you go, sensei." I returned the old tetsubo to Master Splinter. He was content to see it untampered. "Now, hey guys? Come over here, I have something to show you!"

"What is it?" Yawned Donnie, rubbing his eyes tiredly. His eyes flew open at my new finished project. "Holy chalupa! Is that a tetsubo?

"Wow! Maya that's so cool!" Mikey cooed supportively.

"Yep, made it myself."

"I figure you can't eat giant things anymore, Kirby?" Raph joked.

"Nope! But I can cause earthquakes with this heavy thing!"

"That's great, just don't hit me." Leo pleaded, grimacing at my smirk.

"Oh don't worry. I'm not going hit you. Hi Donnie!" I readied myself into a fighting stance. "Can you help me break in the new weapon?"

"Nononono!" Donnie ran back to his lab as I rushed behind him.

"C'mon let's see how many newtons of force this thing can inflict on something! Donnie..."

"We can hit Kraang!" He cried. "We can hit Kraa-AUGH!" He looked somewhat underwhelmed at the light tap to his foot.

"Wasn't going to beat you to a pulp. Just pulling your leg. But I will do it if needed." I set my tetsubo to the side. "Let's go watch TV, I made some snacks."

And so I ended up sleeping over that night. Terrorizing Donnie made me sleepy. Plus the food coma of sweets and pizza killed me for trying to stay awake. I could feel warm blankets being laid on top of me, and pillows brought beneath my pillow. Before everyone left the room, Mikey kissed my forehead goodnight.

"Night, Maya."

Goodnight, Mikey.

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