are you avoiding me :'(

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Days passed by in the comfort of our old home. Maya would frequent, but when she wasn't, it was clear she was busy with projects. One day she came to Splinter to see his collection of weapons.

"Could I borrow this?" She asked sheepishly. "It's for a project."

"Very well, Nakamura. Please do not damage the tetsubo."

"Can do, Splints!" She cheered, and left the lair without another word.

"Dudes, do you think she's avoiding me?" I asked. "What if she wants to break up?"

"Shut up, you sound like Donnie." Raph said, palming my face. "She's busy working. That girl is like 100 on a scale of 0 to 100, like all the time."

"Yeah, plus you heard her gush over you like months back." Donnie relayed. After a pause, he processed what Raph said. "Hey!"

I huffed, pouting. "Yeah but people can lose feelings."

"Maya doesn't lose interest in things in things she likes, though." Leo chimed. "We've seen that like a million times."

"Plus, she'd probably only want to break up with you because you got her kidnapped and mutated into an anglerfish." Raph laughed, punching my arm playfully.

"Ah, don't remind me!" I put my face in my hands. "I'm going to fix this, I will."

Determined now, I stood up and marched to my room.

"Should we be worried?" Leo asked.

"Nah." Donnie and Raph synced.


I stared at my T-phone. A call. It's a freaking phone call! Why am I so nervous now? Maya is messing with me by just existing. Maybe I should plan what I want to say beforehand, I thought, stalling.

Thus started my intense inspection at a map for places we could go to. The rooftop is too cliche, plus we already did that. Murakami's could be good, but with our appetites, we might not be there for a long time. Maybe there and another place.

Suddenly my brain had an epiphany. The first time I left the sewers, there was a psychic place. I wasn't entirely sure of how the psychic would react to my appearance, but nothing a little dress up couldn't fix.

Proud of myself, I exhaled and dialed Maya's phone number. Brring. Briing.
The dull rings of the tone made me nervous.

After the last ring, the phone clicked. "Hello?" Maya asked. Her voice was bit-crushed.

"Hi Maya!" I braced myself on my bed. "I was wondering if we could have a second date? I was thinking we—"

"Murakami's then the local psychic."

"How'd you—?" I facepalmed. "Right. The telepathy. What do you say?"

"I say maybe." She hung up.

I'm pretty sure that meant a yes.

The Fool and The Genius | TMNT Mikey X OC Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now