the mutation and invasion mega suck combo

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I was placed in an abandoned storage place, the center of which held an orb of mutagenic liquid that I stood over from a collapsible platform. Its color was of various shades of green. Jesus.

"Please don't tell me you're going to dunk me that." I squeaked.

"Quiet! You're giving me a headache." Stockman was finally on the ground, but I was now tied with cable. "Honestly do you ever stop talking?"

"I talk when I'm nervous, and right now, I'm far from nervous!" I shook around in my shackles, breathing rapidly. "What do want from me? Did I bad mouth you in school? I'm really sorry if I did. Please let me go."

"You're far too young to have gone to high school with me. Besides, it's Shredder's orders, not mine." Baxter was hitting buttons on a machine hooked up to the mutagen. I saw a brief image of an anglerfish and gasped in horror.

"Are you going to turn me into a fish? Please don't, I hate fish! I know I'm half Japanese but I can't stand the smell! Jesus, if you're going to mutate me, make me like a cute bunny or something, just not a fish!"

I was hysterical. I'm usually calm and aware of when I got manic, and enjoyed it. Right now, I wasn't in the driver's seat. I was sobbing fast tears of frustration and fear. Why am I so useless? I thought.

"Shut up!" Baxter flew up, brought a piece of tape to my face and slapped it across my lips. My cries were now muffled.

My voice immediately hushed once I heard odd whirring noises up ahead. How long has that been going on?

"Ah, did you finally hear it, girl? The Kraang invasion has finally begun. And they can't help you out of this."

I licked my lips around the tape, trying to start talking again. "You suck, ugly." I said, with duct tape hanging from my face.

"We'll see who's ugly after this."

In my tied hands was the small bag of jewelry I bought from the mall earlier. It held a crystal pendant with cheap material on the necklace. It was the next thing I was going to start working on.

For the next few minutes I accepted my fate. I was going to turn into an endangered ugly fish monster. I looked around, catatonic. On my shirt was a strand of orange hair. I hate loose hair. Gross. It was obvious that it was April's.

Just then, the wooshes of movement sounded up ahead. The turtles? I hoped. Mikey peeked his head out from above. "Hi, Maya."

"We're here to get you out of here!" Donnie said from behind.

"Shh!!!" But it was too late.

"Goodbye, you annoying girl!"

Baxter Stockman said, and pressed a button on his machine. The floor dropped beneath me, and I was submerged in a flaming hot liquid.

It burned so bad. I could hear muffled screams and noises of fighting as my body began to change. I didn't get to see it for myself, and I passed out from the pain.

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