time passes but we chilling

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The next week was pretty rough. Splinter was found and taken back to our abandoned pizza place as temporary shelter. Karai, who was apparently Splinter's long lost daughter, talk about family issues, was loose in the city as a snake person.

On the upside, Mikey miraculously made retromutagen that could turn back all of New York, and me. Hopefully I could stop being a fish lady with weird brain magic. Who also ate a huge deer at one point.

"Okay, hold still Maya." Donnie instructed carefully.

A banshee-like screech echoed from me, my mouth unhinging once more. This time, I slapped myself in the face. "I'm really sorry Donnie, continue."

With a hesitant and shaky hand, Donnie began to pour the orange glowing liquid onto my skin. Like a cool refreshing spritz of water, I could feel my teeth sinking back into my mouth. The bulbous esca on my frontal lobe began to shrink, and the skin on my translucent hands darkened into the normal opaque tan color I once knew.

"Quick, the towel!" April ordered.

Leo then draped me with a maroon cotton throw blanket. It took me a minute to register why they were doing that, but when I peeked inside the blanket, it became clear to the naked eye.

"Yay, I'm not a fish person!" I gleefully exclaimed.

"Great. Now we do that to the rest of New York." Raph said. "I hope you find some clothes when we get back."

"Will do, cap'n!"


April was the one to take me to the back of the pizza place and give me the clothes we scavenged from my old house. They were straight legged blue jeans and a star bedazzled pink shirt. She said that my house hadn't been raided by Kraang, and it was all the same, except for leaky pipes and a bad case of dust bunnies.

"Nothing a little spring cleaning can't fix!" She said cheerfully as she left me alone.

"A leaky pipe? That can't be good."

Ebisu made his presence known, his incessant meowing and rubbing against my new/old legs becoming more frequent.

"Come here, Ebi!" I picked him up, his green eyes widening. I began to cradle him like a baby. "You're so silly." I put my face close to his. "Why didn't you remember me when I was a fish girl?"

"Meow." He said back, pressing his paw to my animated face.

"That's fair enough." I agreed. "Just don't do it again!" I squeezed him tightly, nuzzling my face to his. "I love you!"


A sudden thought occurred to me. I wonder if I can still talk telepathically. Could I talk to Ebisu? I tried to send a thought to him. Do you love me? I asked.

Yes I do, Maya, I heard in a shockingly deep voice.

Oh my god.

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