rewarded with date

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Maya started to regularly visit us again. She would stay to watch movies, and bring Ebisu to have playdates with Ice Cream Kitty, but that just led to them pawing curiously at each other for the entire time.

"Why were you being a hermit for a few days?" Donnie asked Maya as we watched Super Robo Mecha Force Five.

"I wasn't hermiting." Maya argued. "I was working on... something." She gave an evil grin. "You'll see."

"I don't like that face." Donnie cowered.

It seemed that all of Maya's hard work tired her that night. One minute her head was nodding off on my shoulder, and the next was her head on my lap. The fast and upbeat breathing she usually had quieted down to slow breaths.

"Aw." I tried my best to look at her sleeping face, but with no success.

I did what any good boyfriend did and tucked her in with the blanket at her side. And then took a million pictures of her sleeping face. From the picture, her lips were slightly parted open. Her face was smashed against my legs, and her eye bags were nearly gray.

"We will be relaxing with a date soon, don't worry." I said to her.


"So what do you say to the date tonight?" I asked Maya, walking with her down her house, groceries in hand.

"Yeah. That'd be nice." She said.

"What, no typical banter?" I asked, raising my brow.

"I've just been in a weird rut lately. It's hard to make what I want with that project I'm working on."

"Don't worry. Murakami's will make you so happy from food alone that you'll be back to your usual self in no time!" I responded enthusiastically.

She smiled warmly. "I'm holding you to that, Michelangelo."


"Isn't this like Purple Dragon alley?" Maya asked. She was walking with a light green sweater on. Her perfume smelled floral this time.

"Yeah, but don't worry. If they come by, I'll kick their butts. Easily."

"I'll take your word for it."

We entered Murakami's resturant, the scent of food making our stomachs growl.

"Michelangelo!" The blind man greeted. "How's my hungry turtle?"

"Very hungry tonight!" I said, rubbing the area over my armored belly.

"I heard you brought someone else here. Is it a lady?" He asked.

"You were talking about this Murakami? Like the guy that my dad always brings food home from Murakami?" Maya loudly said. "Hello Murakami-san! My name is Maya Nakamura! My father frequents your eatery. I love your food!"

Murakami chuckled and smiled. "I'm glad I've been acquainted with everyone. Now, what would you like to eat, Maya?"

"Katsudon!" She announced.

"Very well then. And I am well aware Michelangelo enjoys pizza gyoza."

The Fool and The Genius | TMNT Mikey X OC Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now