date going well?! (#not clickbait)

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I skipped home giddily, excited for the date Maya planned for us. When I overheard D and her talking about me, I thought she was just joking! She looked so cute blushing, too.

"Why're you so happy?" Raph grunted.

I decided not to tease him back, knowing full well he was still getting over the death of his ex-girlfriend. I was just glad he started to get back into the swing of things, but his irritability was worse than it ever has.

"Because, um..." I forgot what I had to say. It took me a minute to get my bearings. "Oh! Because I have a date with that Maya chick!"

"Yippee." He sarcastically said.


"Your place is a lot smaller than ours, Maya." I said. Her room was decorated like it was straight from an aesthetic board. "But it's like, way cooler."

"Thanks. I'm kind of like an artsy engineer. I build stuff and try to make it look as nice as I'd like it to be." She stated.

We were sitting on her greenish blue bed. Her cat, who she introduced as Ebisu, was purring around our feet, lifted his tail up and strutted around the room.

Maya herself was wearing a pair of acid washed overalls and a minty green shirt underneath. She smelled like a sweet fruity perfume, maybe strawberry?

Simple melodic music was playing, but turned really high up on volume.

"Why's the music so loud?" I asked.

Maya's blushing face fell. "It's um because the generator is kind of loud."

"Do you want to go somewhere else from the noise?"

"Oh my god I thought you were never gonna ask."


"So, did you have a bad home life or something? Why were you running from home?"

We moved to the rooftops, a good distance from where we first met. Maya insisted it had to be farther away from there. We brought the stereo she had in her room here, this time at a much more reasonable volume. I picked some smooth R&B to play in the background.

"Oh no, nothing like that!" She frantically shook her hands around. "I just felt like I was going crazy not being able to do everything I wanted. I have a lot of crazy ideas, you know. If I don't have my workspace and entire home set up to make what I want, I feel like I might shrivel up and die."

Wow, this girl's intense. "So what kind of stuff do you make besides entire homes and invisibility clothes?"

"Right now, my projects consist of making simple stuff. Like jewelry and easily weldable weapons."

"Everything you say is so cool, Maya." I admitted. I was leaning my face in, expecting a kiss, but was met with a hand and an awkward laugh.

"You're such a dork, Mikey." From the spaces of her fingers I could see a smile and a huge blush on her face.

Even with being rejected a kiss, I still felt strong butterflies brew within me.

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