getting mall kidnapped with my new bffs ;P

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"Do you want to go to the mall with us?" April asked.

"What time is it?" I asked, suspicious.

"Like 1:30 pm." Casey said.


"Aw, come on. I know you're like too cool for school or whatever—"

"Don't ever say too cool for school again, April."

"Well you know what I mean. But don't you like the mall?"

"I do like the mall..." I looked to the turtles. "Guys should I go to the mall?"

"What's a mall?" Leo asked.

"Okay yeah they're useless. Let's go."


"See, isn't this better than a cramped sewer?" In April's hands were a few bags from various stores. Behind her, Casey was carrying a comically large amount of shoeboxes.

"I don't know, I like cramped spaces." I, however, held two small bags of crafting jewelry and complex knives. "But yes, I do take pleasure indulging into my hedonistic consumerism from time to time."

"I have no idea what half of those words mean." Casey commented.

As we were leaving the outlet, I spotted a disfigured shadow in the obscured alleyway. I was nervous, mostly because my family lived near the area, and they frequented the mall. But I was also scared if the Purple Dragons were nearby. I wasn't exactly super skilled with the blades in my plastic bag.

To my dismay, it wasn't the Purple Dragons. It was something far worse. A mutated bug, who I later discovered was named Baxter Stockman, was not a stock man.

"Okay who's first?" He said, his head twitching to the side. His speech was somewhat slurring his S's. I thought that was only anthropomorphic snakes.

Casey readied his fighting position, throwing his hockey mask on. It was painted to look like a skull. "How about none."

"What do you want, Stockman?" April said.

She also readied herself with a bladed fan. She was a kunoichi? Man, do I look like a loser compared to these guys.

"Okay so you."

The fly guy pointed to me, his bulbous eyes and buzzes disgusting me. He darted towards me, and despite his small size, picked me up from the ground. I dropped my bag full of knives out of pure shock. Now I was completely defenseless.

"Hey let me go you overgrown mosca!"

"Let her go!" April said. She threw her fan to the fly, but it simply came back to her.

I began to thrash around, trying to get free of his grasp. I did, however, stop once he flew to a certain height. No way was I going to fall from that height.

"Um, Mr. Stockman guy, please let me go. I don't know what you want but please dude." I started pleading with him. This was my life on the line. I started hyperventilating. What was going to happen to me?

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