he freaking talked, guys

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"OH MY GOD." I shouted. "April, get in here!"

"Why, what happened?" She said nervously, pulling out her tessen. "Where's the danger?"

"There's no danger." I held my cat up to her. "Ebisu talked. Listen with your brain."

Say hi, Ebisu. I cooed.

Hello, April, he responded flatly. "Meow."

"Holy smokes, he talks."

"Mikey will freak when I show him!" I revelled enthusiastically.

Hours passed by. I showed Casey and Splinter, but they weren't as shocked at my revelation. I was starting to get worried. I quickly shook the doubting thoughts away. He's gonna come back, don't worry, I reassured myself.

I was lying on the couch with Ebisu, shaking his tail to his face as he played with it. A headache began to form. Stress was getting to me, I figured. Come back, Michelangelo.

"Guess who just transformed all the human hybrids back to normal?" A loud booming voice announced.

"Mikey!" I squealed. I made a beeline to his arms. "You idiot! I thought you were caught up with some Kraang or something!"

"We were. But then we weren't." He said, grinning like he just said the most intelligent sentence ever.

"You're such a goofball." I mused. I held the shorter turtle in between my arms, hugging him tightly.

Mikey began to pat my back urgently. "Maya. Maya. Maya! I can't...breathe."

I immediately let go and flushed with embarrassment. "Sorry."

"Look, your eyes are still heterochromatic." Donnie pointed out. "I guess some of effects still lingered, even with the retromutagen."

"Oh, I was gonna talk about that. It turns out that I can still communicate telepathically, but not like strong enough to kill unruly mutants like April. No offense."

"None taken."

"Also, ALSO! My cat can talk." I pointed to Ebisu. With poor timing, he was cleaning his nether parts. "Actually we can discuss that later."

Mikey shivered, unrelated to Ebisu. "Please don't tell me you still want to eat giant deer."

"I could maybe try to eat something like Kraang. I haven't been particularly hungry yet."

"We'll have to test that out soon." Donnie inquired. "For now, we're just glad to be alive, and have you in proper order."

"I'm also glad we have a potential lawn mower for Kraang." Raph joked. "I'm kidding. Glad you're back, Maya."

"Oh, you guys!" I cheered. I opened my arms wide. "Here's a mandatory post victory celebratory embrace people call a group hug!"

"Why the long name?" Leo asked.

"Shut up and hug!" I hushed immediately.

Everyone closed in for an embrace. I usually hate the feeling of skin to skin, but right now was an exception. We had been through so much together. How could I not hug my family?

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