mfw turtles have cool human friends

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"Man this is so boring!" I groaned, kicking my feet up and down to keep my brain in check. "Don't get me wrong, I love you guys. But don't you have any h—"

"Hey guys!"

A boy with dark paint spattered clothing, a bandana across his forehead, and hockey stick came in the lair. Along with him was a girl with deeply saturated orange hair wearing a yellow shirt and jeans. They were waving at the turtles, pausing when they noticed my presence.

"Who's this girl?" Asked the boy. When he spoke, I noticed the missing teeth in his face. It was kind of ugly.

"I'm Maya. They ran into me, hit me, kidnapped me, but we're friends now? And now I'm dating the orange one." I said, jumbling my words right then. Smooth, Maya, I thought sarcastically.

"Oh so their normal interaction when they meet humans." The red head replied. "Got it."

"This happens often?" I asked Mikey, surprised.

"No it doesn't—" Donnie started. He pointed his finger to his chin and looked up, thinking about it. "Nevermind April's right."

I looked to the red headed girl. "April? Is that your name?"

"Oh my god, are you the girl that went missing a few weeks ago at school?" The guy with dark hair said. I immediately paled.

"" I replied drawn out, squinting my eyes.

"You are you are! Maya Nakamura." Stop it hockey guy. "You won the science fair in freshman year. They still have your plaque on the rewards shelf."

"God, this is embarrassing." I slumped from the couch, hovering behind Mikey. "I regret wishing for friends: get these guys away from me."

"Casey, cool it. I don't think she went missing."

The April girl looked at me with sympathetic eyes. They were a cool blue color. Despite my initial judgement, she seemed relatively nice.

"We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." She extended her hand towards me. "I'm April, and this idiot is Casey."

"Maya...but I think you guys already know that, regrettably."

"Why did you go missing?"

"I'm not missing, Casey. I'm...a dropout?" I looked to the turtles. Did they go to school? "I don't know how to describe it, but I basically made myself fall off the face of the earth to do mad scientist stuff like make a giant robot."

Casey looked really surprised at my sarcastic remark. "Are you making a robot? For reals?"


"I would like to point out that I have made robots before," Donnie said. "Well, it's just the one but."

"Butt out Donnie." I rolled my eyes.

"Butting out."

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