the fool and the genius

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We paid and thanked Murakami for the dinner, and headed out to see the psychic.

Mikey was now wearing an oversized hoodie, trying to cover his shell. The hood covered his face. We rounded the corner and saw the florescent purple lights. One second a palm, the next the all seeing eye.

"I'm nervous." I blurted out.

"Don't be. April said she's really chill. I booked it with a girl who's about our age."


As we stepped inside, a calming breeze of air flooded my face.

"Welcome, you two. I assume you're the appointment for 5:30, yes?"

"Um, yes." Mikey said, keeping his head down.

"Right this way."

The older woman led us to a room that was curtained with wooden beads that clicked happily at our presence. There sat a girl with deep brown skin and curly hair braided down to her chest.

"Hello, you two."

We sat in the seats. I bounced my leg nervously.

"My name is Jophiel. Is this your first time at a psychic's?" She asked.

"Yes." We said together.

"Very well then. I will start with some questions and then we can move onto a tarot spread." She looked to me. "Can you tell me your full name, age and birthday?"

"Maya Nakamura. I'm seventeen, born on June sixth."

She thought deeply. "Okay, now you." She pointed to Mikey. "Can you tell me your name, age and birthday?"

"Michelangelo Hamato. I'm seventeen, and I don't know anything about my birthday except that I was mu- born in 1997."

"Very well then." She pulled out her tarot card deck and began shuffling. "We will start with a three card spread. This can be a past, present, future spread or a what I think, what I feel, what I do spread. Mikey would you like to go first?"

"Yeah! I would like the past, present and future spread please!" He said.

"Focus your energy into the cards," she instructed.

Mikey closed his eyes and placed his hands over the cards.

"Now choose three cards and flip them over."

Mikey did as told. His cards were reverse 7 of swords, an upsidedown temperance, and the fool.

"You have been enduring a lot lately. It seems you feel you have caused something. Has someone close to you passed lately?"

Mikey's eyes shot wide open.

Jophiel continued. "And you seem pensive about the visit, as well as some general anxiety. In the future though, you see new beginnings. Maybe sparks of love between your lover?"

"Uh, yeah." Mikey rubbed his neck, blushing.

"And now you, Maya." Jophiel began to shuffle her tarot cards again.

"I want the three whats spread."

"Focus your energy into the cards." Jophiel repeated as she put the deck near me.

Doing as I was told, I took three cards from the deck and flipped them over.

The devil, 9 of swords, the moon. All in reverse.

"Okay. Wow. I'm seeing a lot of mental distress. Has anything traumatic been happening recently in your life? Like running away?"

Oh shit. "I guess so yeah."

"It seems you are having lots of dark thoughts. Mad, some may say. The 9 of swords shows that you can feel this dark energy. The moon shows that overwhelms you."

I could feel my breath caught in my throat. "Okay." I could feel my hand being squeezed comfortingly by Mikey.

"Just know that this may all change. This is just you currently." Jophiel shuffled the cards again. "Would you like to ask a question, and do a one card reading?"


Mikey and I each pulled one card from the deck.

"My question is, what tarot card represents my relationship right now?" Mikey asked.

He flipped the card to the Fool.

"And I'm the genius!" I quipped. I looked at my unflipped card. "I ask, how will I overcome the obstacles that block me now?"

The queen of swords.

"Michelangelo, your relationship represents new beginnings, innocence and first love." Mikey looked to me and smiled.

"Maya, your card represents your intuition and intelligence. You must realize, acknowledge your demons and outsmart them."

The Fool and The Genius | TMNT Mikey X OC Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now