do you have a crush on me

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"So what's up with your brother? He's your brother, right?" I asked, hanging up my cloak.

"Mikey? I hate to say, but I think he's got a crush on you."

"Aw don't say that! He's cute."

"You think an airhead like him is cute?" Donnie asked.

"I mean he's the only one who hasn't tried to hurt me out of all of you besides your dad. And older men aren't really my type."

"Fair enough." Donnie paused. "Would you even want to date him?"

"What are you, a terrible wingman? Why do you need to know?" Ebisu purred on the bed. "Aren't you the same with that April girl from my old school?"

"One, ouch. And two, I'm just trying to get a scope on what may go on between you."

"You mean you're nosy." I retorted.

"I mean I'm nosy."

"Well, if I'm being honest, I've kind of been crushing on your brother. I don't know, airheads are my type, I guess." I joked.

I heard doors opening behind me. I quickly turned around, where a flushed Mikey stood. My face followed suit, and began to heat up as well.

"AH! Getoutgetoutgetout!" I quickly ushered both brothers out of my home, my pride crushed.

"Call me!"

Idiota tortuga!"

I shut the doors to my home, alone with my feelings. I never had a crush before this. It was weird, and my stomach felt like it was going to burst. I walked to my restroom and attempted to wash the blush off of my face.

A muffled knock came at my doors.

"Go away Donnie, you've embarrassed me, you overgrown reptile." I replied.

The doors swung open. I left my bathroom, frustrated.

"You nosy turtle, what do you—"

There stood a shorter orange masked turtle. Oops. A new wave of embarrassment hit me.

"Sorry, Mikey."

"Can we talk?" He asked, having a dimpled smile attached to his face.


He sat on my bed, legs bouncing with excitement. Mikey's smile widened, eyes beaming.

"So..." I said, fidgeting with my fingers.

"Do you like me?" He asked, practically vibrating with excitement.

"I mean yeah, why wouldn't I? You're like really nice and not quick to attack. You're also cute, so uh..." I felt like I was tripping over my words. I didn't expect to be put on the spot like this.

I smiled at Mikey, nervous to his reply.

"Aw that's super killer! I thought I was gonna become like Donnie and have the unrequited love trope." Mikey fell back onto my bed, sighing happily.

An itch at the back of my throat burned, and I looked up at the ceiling as I asked, "Would you like to go on at date with me?!"

The Fool and The Genius | TMNT Mikey X OC Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now